7. Sibling's Worry Too

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Stefanie's POV
Caleb and I decided to hang out after school today and we chose to get some frozen yogurt and sit outside at the lake. We sit at the dock and have our jeans up and just our feet in the water.

"Hey, are you ok? Since yesterday you seem nervous?" Caleb asks me, looks like I have to lie.

"I'm ok Caleb, just tired that's all. I promise" I hate lying to him.

"Ok, if you say so. Have you noticed dad is missing uncle Stefan a lot more lately?" Caleb switches the conversation

"Yeah, I have actually, he keeps looking at photos of him. Whenever I walk into mom and dad they're always quietly talking about him. Do you think aunt Bonnie is never going to get him back and mom and dad know, so they're just figuring out how to tell us?" I suggest to Caleb

"It's possible, she tries every year and it always ends up failing and over working herself. You don't think aunt Bonnie will...?" Caleb asks me

"Please don't Caleb, I really don't want to think about that for her. Using all that power in her to help dad and than she..." I get breathless just thinking about it.

"Let's not talk about that anymore." Caleb stops the conversation "Agreed" We just eat our frozen yogurt in quiet and play with the water lightly.

After a while we get back home and help mom and dad make dinner. Aunt Caroline and aunt Bonnie walk in and aunt Caroline is holding freshly baked brownies.

"Brought some desert for later." Aunt Caroline says with so much joy. Mom grabs the tray and puts it on the counter. "Thank you Care" Mom tells her and aunt Caroline and aunt Bonnie hug Caleb and I.

"Bonbon" Dad motions to aunt Bonnie and they talk in the living room. Caleb and I look at each other and I nod at him saying I will use my super hearing to listen in.

"Bonnie any luck with Stefan?" Dad asks her

"I'm sorry Damon but nothing's working. Look, I know how much you miss him, we all do but what if this is a sign meaning he shouldn't come back. We all know how it goes when we bring someone back." Aunt Bonnie warns him

"Please Bonnie, you know how badly the kids want to meet him especially Stefanie. Imagine what a great uncle he would be to them." Dad pushes and I look down embarrassed.

"I know Damon, I know how the kids look when you tell them a story about him. Especially Stefanie with her ripper past which is just like Stefan's. I couldn't imagine how much those kids want a real connection with their uncle and not just the spirit kind. I don't think I can do it." Aunt Bonnie tells him and my heart shatters inside. Uncle Stefan comes beside me and puts his hand on my shoulder.

"You know you shouldn't be listening in Stef." Uncle Stefan tells me

"I know but this is about you. Are you sure you can't come back?" I whisper

"It's not up to me for power to come back it's up to Bonnie's power." He informs me and I sigh.

"Bonnie just try one more time. Please, for the kids" Dad guilt trips aunt Bonnie more.

"Fine but if I get hurt it's on you." Aunt Bonnie threatens dad and I look at Caleb and he comes up to me.

"Aunt Bonnie is going to try and get uncle Stefan back again but she's really scared to do it. This doesn't look good Caleb." I catch him up and he looks at home worried.

"Should we stop her?" Caleb asks me "I want uncle Stefan back too but..." I can't even picture it.

"You don't want aunt Bonnie to get hurt. Neither do I Stefanie" Caleb agrees and dad and aunt Bonnie come back and Caleb and I talk like we didn't hear them.

"What are you two chatting on about?" Dad asks us

"School" We come up with and dad nods at us and goes next to mom.

"That was close" I tell Caleb and Mackenzie, Alexis and Sam comes in.

"Hello Salvatore's" Sam tells us and Mackenzie and Alexis come up to me.

"What's wrong?" Mack asks me "I'll tell you about it later." Now is not the time when there are too many people. "Ok" She says

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