14. I Do Evil Things For My Family

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Damon's POV
I've been driving around all of Mystic Falls and I finally found Addison. I'm gonna kill that bitch. I grabbed Caleb's old metal baseball bat and get out of my car and run up to her and grab her tight behind my car so no one can see.

"You we're trying to kill my daughter." I tell her and she just smiles. "You're daughter turned me into a monster. She deserves it" Addison says and I hit her with the bat until it knocks her out. She was tough I'll admit that. I grab her and put her in my trunk and make sure no one sees. As I'm in the clear I drive home and when I grab her into the house Elena comes running to me.

"Damon what the hell did you do!" She yells at me and I ignore her because I'm pissed off.

"Stefan grab me some rope now!" I demand him and he looks at me in disappointment. "Fine, guess I'll get it myself." I say to him and grab it.

"Is that Addison?" Stefanie asks me in shock. "Yup, you're welcome" I tell her and she looks at Elena.

"Damon what did you do to her?" Bonnie asks me "Why is everyone so mad at me for this. She almost killed Stefanie everyone! What else was I supposed to do." I tell everyone and they keep looking at each other while I tie her up.

She finally wakes up and I go in front of her and she wakes up more.

"What the hell! Where am I?" Addison asks us "You hurt my daughter, so this is what you deserve." I tell her and she looks around and finds Stefanie.

"You're dad is insane" Addison tells her "Well you did almost kill me." Stefanie agrees and I smile. "BECAUSE YOU RUINED MY LIFE!!" Addison screams at her

"Hey I wasn't myself when I did that. That was all on the blood lust and I'm sorry for what I've done. I wouldn't wish this on anyone." Stefanie apologizes to her

"Hang on, we've never met anyone that Stefanie has turned. How does it work? Are you half human too now?" Elena asks Addison "Yes, I am" Addison says and Stefanie has big eyes.

"Uncle Stefan can I talk to you?" She asks him as I just stare at Addison, half human. "Yeah" He says and they go in private.

"What am I going to do with you?" I ask her

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