16. When Will This Be Gone?

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Elena's POV
"What's going on Care?" I ask her "I guess this is perfect timing to tell you. Bonnie might have found a cure for Stefanie." Caroline informs me and my heart stops.

"Seriously? Is it safe for her?" I ask in shock "Bonnie is testing it out right now. If that helps Stefanie what if that helps that girl as well than she won't want to kill Stefanie anymore?" She suggests and I nod in agreement.

"Yeah and they both won't be in pain anymore. Stefanie can feel free for once in her life without fear constantly." I mention and Caroline rubs my arm. "My daughter can be free of pain." I say in relief and Care hugs me tight and I hug her back. Stefanie can feel ok, after all this time since she was born.

"I'm calling Bonnie right now." I tell Care "Can you distract Stefanie away from me just in case if it doesn't work out I don't want to get her hopes up. I'll just say I got called into work." I make up "Yeah, of course Elena" Caroline agrees and we go back to everyone.

"Hey, I just got called in for an emergency at work I really have to go. Will you be ok?" I ask Stefanie "Yeah, I'll be fine" She tells me and I kiss her forehead.

I called Bonnie letting her know I'm on my way and quickly drive to her place. When I get there she pulls me in quickly and goes to the cure that she made for Stefanie.

"Woah, that smell is something." I mention "Yeah I tried many things but I think I got it. I made sure it wouldn't mess with her blood system, especially her left side, obviously. Should I test it on the other girl instead of Stefanie?" Bonnie suggests

"Hello, what if it kills her?" I point out "Well right now she wants to kill Stefanie so does it really matter to you because of that?" Bonnie gets me "Yeah, ok good point, ok let's try it than." I agree and we go back to my place with the cure.

When we walk in the house everyone looks at us weirdly.

"What's going on?" Stefanie asks us and Bonnie goes up to her. "I think I found a cure for you but I want to be careful so I'm going to give it to Addison to test it." Bonnie explains to Stefanie

"So I'm a lab rat. Are you kidding me?!" Addison yells "Hey, you tried to kill my niece so yes you are." Bonnie tells her angrily "She's not your niece, you do know that right?" Addison rudely tells her "She's like family to me so yeah she is, in my heart she is." I can tell that Bonnie does not like this girl and neither do I.

"Do you want me to do it Stefanie?" Bonnie asks her and Stefanie looks at Addison. "Yeah, sure" Stef agrees and Bonnie gives the cure to Addison as I go next to Stef and hold her hand tight.

We wait to see what happens and no reaction. "Anything?" Bonnie asks her "No, nothing I guess you..." Addison starts choking and stops breathing for a bit as she shakes I hold Stefanie tight.

"Bonnie what's happening?" Damon asks her "She's can't breathe and she's about to pass out!" Bonnie freaks out and she uses her magic to stop her as I rub Stefanie's back. Addison calms down and she still looks the same.

"Sorry Addison, I did not mean for that to happen." Bonnie honestly tells her and Addison coughs a lot as blood spits out. "Oh yeah, sure... right" She coughs out and takes deep breathes. "Well that failed witch, it almost killed me. You almost killed me" Addison says angrily "I didn't mean too, I'm sorry. Guys I don't know what to do. Stefanie I'm so sorry, to the both of you." Bonnie apologizes to them

"It's ok, you tried your best and I really appreciate that so much. Thank you aunt Bonnie" Stefanie tells her and she hugs her. "Of course Stef, anything for you." Bonnie says and Damon and I look at each other with worry.

"We'll figure out a way, Elena." Damon mouths to me and I nod at him. Will we?

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