Chapter 4

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One thing some readers have pointed out is that my take on the Third True Magic is not exactly correct. I know it's not correct.

My little knowledge of what it is comes from other fanfics like "Messiah of the Holy Grail" by AgentZwolf and "King of Souls" by Craxnor King. (Both are great stories. I recommend giving them a read. Unfortunately, they are unfinished and it looks like they will remain so.)

I wanted to be more informed when I wrote about it in this story because I wanted to give Yuki the title in an easy way. So I spent three days researching the specifics of what the Third Magic is exactly and to be truthful, a lot of the specifics felt complicated and sailed over my head.

So on day four, I just decided that it's my fanfic, I can do what I want and that the Third Magic definition from the previously mentioned fanfics was the version I would go with. Even if it seems to weaken it to a degree. It was a lot easier to combine the worlds that way.

Disclaimer: I own nothing except the OCs.


[The Gamer Patch 1.01 has successfully been installed.]

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Patch Notes 1.01

Thank you, Gamer for your participation in playing the Game. As always after one week we do a mandatory patch for balancing reasons as everyone's Game is slightly different from others. Future updates will take place on an as-needed basis from now on. So let's go over the patch notes.

In the beginning, we started your HP and MP regeneration at 1% per minute. This means that it will take, at most, 100 minutes for you to recover full HP and MP. We feel this is too fast for recovery and makes the Game too easy, so we have decided to nerf this recovery rate.

- Base HP and MP regeneration has been reduced from 1% per minute to 0.1% per minute.

During this week you have been making great strides towards strengthening yourself. However, we feel you are moving forward too fast, even with the [Genius] Perk. So this will be nerfed.

- Skill experience gain has been reduced.

We have noticed a bug in some of your skills, mainly the one related to combat. For some reason they were using a different world's rules, thus making them a bit too powerful for this world. So we will be fixing this bug.

- The skills [Sword Mastery] and [Handgun Mastery] have been fixed.

- The same bug to similar skills has also been fixed.

The rest are simply just some changes that don't need as much explanation so they will just be listed.

- You can now roll 1 Gacha for free every week. This resets every Sunday at 00:00.

- The skill [Eye of the Mind (False)] has been renamed to [Mind's Eye (False)].

- If you sleep for at least 4 hours, you will gain the Perk, [Rested] for 8 hours.

- If you sleep for at least 7 hours, you will gain the Perk, [Well Rested] for 8 hours.

- If you sleep in a bed with a person you have a romantic relationship with, you will gain the Perk, [Lover's Embrace] for 8 hours.

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