Chapter 11

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~ May 4 - Riverside Park - Morning ~

"I'm sorry, miss!" she apologized in English.

I took a good look at the little girl who bumped into me. I first noticed that she was dressed in clothes too big for her. She had scarlet red hair that reached her shoulders and bright green eyes. But what really stood out the most was the lightning bolt-shaped scar on her forehead, just off-center.

My Mystic Eyes confirmed her identity.

Name: Rose Potter

Age: 10

Title: The Girl Who Lived


So, a genderbent Harry Potter, I didn't see that coming. I didn't think the Potterverse would be a part of this. Multiverse Shuffle is going all out. I hope it didn't shuffle too much in. It would be hard to keep track of if there were too many.

"Don't worry about it, kid. Are you alright?" I asked in English. I crouched down and reached my hand out for her to grab, but she flinched away. I frowned at that. "I'm not going to hurt you," I tried to reassure her with a calming voice.

"S-sorry," she tentatively reached out and grabbed my hand.

"You don't have to say you're sorry. You didn't do anything wrong," I said as I pulled her up. I looked her over for any scrapes, but she looked fine.

"Sorr- I mean..." she went silent and seemed to shrink in on herself before finding the courage to speak. "Are you sure you're okay?"

"I'm fine. Why do you look so worried?" I ask curiously.

"Well... you've got blood on you," she pointed to my clothes, and I looked down.

Saying I had blood on my clothes was a vast understatement. I realized I was still in my battle-damaged clothes. Thanks to Archer, I was stabbed in the heart and bled all over the front. Along with a missing right sleeve, and the bandages covering my right arm and hand, I just now realized I hadn't taken a shower yet.

...I guess I do look pretty bad. That explains all the weird looks I was getting from other people. Why did no one say anything?

"I'm fine, kid. This looks a lot worse than it actually is," I said.

"If you're sure...." she trailed.

"I'm Yuki Emiya. What's your name?" I started asking.

"...Rose Potter," she answered after a second of hesitation.

"Where's your family?" I asked next.

She flinched and kept silent. Okay, tough subject for her. It makes sense, given what I know.

"Where are you from?" I asked a different question.


"England? You're a long way from home," I commented.

She said nothing in return.

I sighed. It's clear she's not eager to return to England, and she's not explaining how she came to Japan. Okay, first things first, get Rose cleaned up and in some proper clothes. Then we can talk about what to do next.

"Saber, can you take her back to the mansion?" I asked my Servant in English for Rose's sake.

"I can," she confirmed.

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