Chapter 14

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~ May 11 - Café Leblanc - Early Morning ~

Third Person POV

Sojiro Sakura was in the café, doing what he usually did to have it ready for the day. Around the time the shop was about to open, he noticed something was wrong. The curry he made for Yuki was still on the counter, untouched. Maybe she forgot to eat? No, she always ate it, every day.

Did she oversleep?

Sojiro sighed and started making his way upstairs. If she did oversleep, this would be the first time that happened. Yuki always woke up and left for school on time.

"Yuki, are you awake up there?" Sojiro called out, trying to wake her up. He got no response. "I hope you are decent because I'm coming upstairs," he said.

He slowly made his way up the stairs while still calling out to wake her up, but he never heard anything in response. Finally, he made his way up and saw the empty bed.

"Well, that's strange," Sojiro commented. He noticed that the cat, Morgana, was still asleep and went to wake him up.

After a couple of shakes, the cat woke up with a stretch and a yawn. He took a look around and saw Sojiro staring at him.

"You haven't seen your owner, have you?" Sojiro asked.

Morgana took a look around and was surprised to not see Yuki. He saw her backpack by the wall and walked toward it.

"Huh, her backpack is still here," Sojiro noticed. He took a closer look around and noticed something else. "But her phone is missing."

Sojiro crossed his arms in thought. Where could she be? She didn't leave early for school. Could she be in the neighborhood? Maybe she took a walk around and lost track of time. With another sigh, Sojiro went downstairs and outside to see if he could find if she was around.

Meanwhile, Morgana was worried. He didn't know where Yuki went and she took him everywhere. The best he could do is make his way to Shujin Academy to let Ryuji and Ann know of the situation. Who knows, maybe Yuki will show up at school. After all, exams start today and she was really insistent on doing well.

With that, Morgana headed off to the train station.


~ Pyramid of Wrath - Morning ~

Yuki Emiya

"Haah... I finally made it," I panted. It took forever to get here, and the heat was not helping. But I finally made it to the town outside the pyramid.

I walked into what looked like the bazaar and took a seat under an awning. This place was busy. People were walking around, doing what one normally does at a market. What's interesting is that they look like normal people dressed in old Egyptian clothes, not at all like Shadows.

"You okay there, girl?" a voice asked.

I looked to the side to see an elderly woman. I recognized her. She works at the supermarket close to the café.

"I'm okay, all things considered. I just walked through the desert for hours," I told her.

The old woman nodded and went inside her building. She soon returned with a glass and a pitcher of water with a lemon in it. She poured some into the glass and handed it to me. "Here you go. This will help."

"Thanks," I took the glass and slowly started drinking it. I closed my eyes to relax, and at some point, I think I fell asleep.

I woke up when I felt someone shake me awake. I jumped a bit when I saw the old woman look at me with a panicked face. I also heard the sound of a commotion and things being broken.

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