Chapter 9

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Disclaimer: I own only OCs.


Ritsuka Tohsaka

"You can't fight Archer," declared the voice of Caster.

"I can and I will," Yuki-san heatedly answered back.

"No, you can't. You're in no condition to be fighting anyone," Caster shot back.

A few meters away were me, Kana, and Mash. All of us are still on our way to where the Grail is.

"Are they still going at each other?" I tiredly asked.

"Yeah... seriously, this is getting annoying," Kana was also tired of this.

Halfway to the Grail, Yuki-san suddenly declared that she was going to fight Archer, even though all of us have already agreed that Caster would fight him.


"I'm fighting Archer," Yuki declared.

"Woah, hold on missy. I thought we agreed that I would fight him," Caster spoke up. "I still need to settle my business with him."

"That was then, this is now," Yuki is scowling at Caster. "Besides, my business with Archer is more important than your feud."

"What business is that?" Caster asked with an annoyed look on his face.

"That's between myself and Archer."

The argument went on for several minutes as the others and I are a little distance away from them in the back. Saber is leading from a ways ahead and Mash is there with her.

"Uh? What's going on?" Kana asked.

"Emiya suddenly declared her desire to fight Archer," The Director answered, crossing her arms.

"Why?" Kana can't help but be curious.

"I don't know but it seems rather stupid," The Director scoffed at Yuki-san's perceived recklessness.

"Maybe she has a plan?" I offered. "It was her idea that allowed us to beat Berserker."

"She may have been a big part in defeating Berserker but that doesn't mean she can be reckless and go off to fight every Servant we encounter," the Director is annoyed. "Especially since Caster is more than capable of fighting Archer."

"But we don't know who Archer is. So, how can you be sure Caster can beat him?" Kana pointed out.

"Caster has assured us he can. Besides, we need all the help we can get when fighting the Saber of this Singularity. That means we need Emiya's planning skills," the Director stated.

"You didn't mention her fighting skills. Those can help as well," I mentioned.

"Does she look like she's in any condition to fight?" the Director was looking at me as if I was stupid.

"She looks fine, all things considered," I said.

"That's because she's doing a great job at hiding it but the truth is Emiya is barely holding herself together. Her constant injuries since arriving here are working against her. She's using a lot of her energy just walking to the Grail,"

"How do you know all of that?" I was dumbfounded that she did.

"It was when I used Structural Analysis on her while we were fighting Berserker," That's right. I remember that. It was when Yuki failed whatever spell she was using and depleted all of her mana.

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