Chapter 6

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Disclaimer: I own nothing except OCs.


~ ? – Fuyuki City – Emiya Residence ~

[You have slept for 2 hours. HP and MP restored by 25%.]

HP: 1510/3100 [Regen: 6.2/min]

MP: 6984/6984 [Regen: 13.96/min]

Stamina: 80% [Regen: 2%/min]

Flaw Acquired

[Weakened Body]

Due to your intense fight a short time ago and your injuries, your body has been severely overworked. You'll need proper rest to get rid of this debuff.

- Maximum stamina has been reduced by 20%.

- Stamina depletes 10% faster.

- STR, END, and DEX are reduced by 10%.

"Uggghhh," I do not want to get up.

Even though my stamina is full, my body feels incredibly sore. It does not want to move. I'm mentally exhausted as well. This Flaw sucks.

I tried moving but it was tough. I noticed that I'm in my underwear and my arms and torso are wrapped in bandages. My head was laying on a pillow, and I have a comforter covering me. I guess Saber got these after I fell asleep.

"Yuki, are you awake?" I heard Saber ask from my side.

Facing her, Saber is sitting in a seiza a respectable distance away. She doesn't have her armor equipped.

"How long was I asleep?" I asked, tiredness still in my voice.

"About two hours," she replied. "I have also located a new set of clothes for you and placed them on the table."

Ugh, I sat up for a couple minutes, because moving was a pain, I slowly got up and walked to the table to see the clothes. It was Shirou's outfit from the UBW anime. It was jeans, the blue and white long sleeve t-shirt, and the black and white jersey zip-up. So I put them on and was a bit surprised. The clothes actually fit pretty well. The length is fine, they're a little bit loose but easily manageable.

I was feeling hungry so I took a seat at the table took out some onigiri from my inventory that I made before I came to Fuyuki.

[Plain Onigiri (Yuki-Style)]

A simple onigiri made of rice and seaweed. Thanks to Yuki's high cooking level, this simple food tastes divine despite the lack of other flavorings.

- Restore 380 HP.

- Increase STR by 8.

Unfortunately, stats gained from food are only temporary, they only last until midnight. Also, they do not stack. If I eat multiple food items then I only have the temp stat gains from the last thing I ate. Still, some temp stats is better than none at all. Especially with the current situation I'm in.

From the corner of my eye, I can see Saber staring at the food, and... there's a bit of drool coming from her mouth... I sweatdropped at her expression.

"Do you want some?" I asked her, holding out an onigiri.

Saber seemed to have forgotten her stoicism as she immediately snatched it and took a bite. She lit up with stars in her eyes and stared at the onigiri like it held the secrets of the best tasting food.

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