Chapter 7

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~ Fuyuki City – Homurahara Academy ~


Saber and Mash dodge yet another one of Berserker's punches.

[God Hand: 11]

"So... does anyone have any bright ideas?" Kana asked but was met with silence. "Go ahead, say anything, no suggestion is bad at this point." Kana was a bit more desperate.

Olga looked to be thinking hard. Based on the annoyed look on her face, she has nothing. Ritsuka has nothing if the depressed look on his face is anything to go by.

It's been several minutes and we haven't been able to go anywhere in our fight with Berserker. Because Saber has killed him with Excalibur, Berserker now has an immunity to it, meaning a regular strike or an Excaliblast won't work. Mash's STR is not high enough to do any damage to him.

The quickest way to kill him would be some Noble Phantasms. But Berserker is immune to Saber's, Mash's is purely defensive, and Caster has disappeared.

Maybe we can go out and try to find him?

...No that would take too long and we have no idea where to start. I've been stretching my Presence Detection as far as it can go and I haven't found his mana signature at all.

So, what do I have? Do I have anything else that can tip the scales?


Turning back towards the battle, Berserker had sent Mash flying and crashing into the school, leaving Saber on her own. She is putting up a very good fight but it's clear she won't last long.

"Damn it!" Why is Berserker even here!?" Olga cursed in frustration. "He was supposed to keep to himself!"

"...Hey, you two," I called out to the twins. "What kind of skills do you two have?"

"What do you mean?" Ritsuka asked.

"I mean in a fight. What kind of skills do you use in a fight," I asked sternly.

"Uh, well I practice Jewel Magecraft and I do have some jewels on me that could maybe harm him. I also know some other spells like Gandr but I don't think they are strong enough against Berserker," Ritsuka said.

"Are your fighting skills purely magical? Nothing physical?" I asked him.

"No, not much physical, just a basic Reinforcement," Ritsuka seemed a bit sad at that admission.

"And you Kana?" I turned to the redhead.

"Um, mine are a lot like yours, Yuki, Projection and Reinforcement... and some sword training. But I don't think I'm anywhere near as good as you are," Kana stated, also a bit sad. Though that sadness seems to come from something else.

And even though Olga is a first-class magus, she also doesn't have any spells that can help with Berserker. So there's not much they can do to help out. Except maybe Ritsuka, since he can use his Command Seals to empower Mash.

Now, what do I have to bring to the table?

I can't make Broken Phantasms yet because I haven't mastered Reinforcement enough. I do have Dawn: Sword of the Morning, an A-Rank sword. I could give it to Saber but again, once she kills him with it, Berserker will be immune to it.

"Is there a point to all this?" Olga asked angrily. I think this whole situation with Berserker has put her on edge.

"I may have something that can work against Berserker," I said, a little unsure of myself but no one picked up on it.

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