Chapter 15

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~ May 15 - Art Exhibition - Daytime ~


"It's so crowded," Morgana commented from inside the bag Ann was carrying.

The exhibit was pretty full. Patrons were crowded around the many paintings, banners, and posters hanging from the walls and ceiling, and they showed where certain themes were.

"Wow, there are so many paintings here. And in so many different styles," Ann remarked.

"And Madarame made all these?" Ryuji said skeptically.

"You came!" a voice off to their side said excitedly. Morgana hid in the bag, and Ryuji and Ann turned to see that it was Yusuke making his way toward them. He smiled at Ann, but that smile disappeared when he noticed Ryuji. "As did you,.."

"What'd you expect when you left us those tickets?" Ryuji retorted.

"Make sure you don't get in the way of the other visitors," Yusuke ordered. Then he turned and smiled at Ann. "Come now, I'll show you around. I'd like to speak more about the picture I'd like to draw too."

"Well, see you later," Ann started to follow but quickly rushed back to Ryuji, handing him her bag. "Actually, hold on to this for me, okay? Thanks,"

"Wha- Hey!" Ryuji said, but Ann was already following Yusuke.

Morgana quickly poked his head out. "No! Lady Ann! Why? What if he takes you behind a painting and tries something funny!? How am I supposed to protect you if I'm not there!?"

"Hey, cat, don't freak out so much!" Ryuji snapped. "I don't want to get kicked out for bringin' a cat in here."

Morgana was about to retort back but quickly pushed down that feeling because they had a job to do. "Ugh, fine."

"Haah, so what do we do?" Ryuji said, while also a bit annoyed he's stuck with Morgana. "We're not gonna appreciate the 'fine arts', are we?"

"Remember that we're here to investigate. Lady Ann has that Yusuke boy covered. We'll investigate Madarame," Morgana said.

"The heck are we supposed to look for here?"

"I don't know. Anything strange, I guess," Morgana said.

Ryuji sighed and shook his head. He walked over to some paintings with Morgana in the bag. A few minutes later, they got unexpectedly lucky.

"Hey, cat. Isn't that Madarame right over there," Ryuji pointed.

Sure enough, there was their target in the middle of an interview.

"Yup, it sure is," Morgana peeked out of the bag. "Get a little closer. Try to listen in on what they're saying."

Ryuji nodded and slowly moved closer to hear them, but far enough to not draw too much attention.

"We continue to be truly surprised by your imagination," the female reporter said. "You have such expansive styles; it's hard to believe it all stems from one person. Where does all of your inspiration come from?"

"Well... it is rather difficult to put into words...They naturally well up from within my heart, like bubbles rising one after another in the spring." Madarame said with a humble smile.

"Really?" Ryuji scoffed and rolled his eyes.

Hmm. Morgana listened closely to what Madarame was saying.

"Naturally, you say?" the reporter said.

"What's important is to distance oneself from worldly desires such as money and fame..." Madarame said. "My atelier is a modest shack, but it is more than enough to pursue true beauty."

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