Chapter 18

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~ May 19 - Madarame's Shack - After School ~

General POV

After school, the Phantom Thieves met at the expressway to review the plan. Then they all set off with Yuki, Ryuji, and Futaba heading into the Palace, and Ann and Morgana went to meet with Yusuke.

Right now, Ann and Yusuke were inside the room while Morgana was hiding just around the door.

"To think you'd really come... I assumed you were lying when you contacted me," Yusuke said while he prepared his painting supplies.

"I'm sorry it was so sudden," Ann said.

"Oh, it's not a problem," Yusuke said. "But as I told you yesterday, Sensei will be returning in about twenty or thirty minutes. So um... I'm sorry if that causes some anxiety on your part."

"That's why I'm here today, damn it," Ann muttered.

"What was that?" Yusuke looked up from his supplies.

"Oh no, it's nothing," Ann waved off.

"By the way... Have you..." Yusuke struggled to find a way to phrase the question. "...Gained some weight?"

Yusuke's question made sense. Ann was wearing at least twelve layers of clothing. It was a huge surprise to Morgana that she managed to get that much on.

"You think so?" Ann anxiously said while peeking over the layers. "I weigh the same as always... Maybe I'm bloated today."

"So then... can you um... get ready here," Yusuke said.

"I... need to take off my clothes, right?" Ann said slowly.

"Y-Yes, please..." Yusuke looked away and nervously brushed his hair.

"I'm embarrassed... Could you look the other way?" Ann said, and Yusuke did so.

Ann started taking off the layers, but the amount of them made it hard for her to move her arms. While this would help stall for time, she didn't want to stall for too long. With a bit of effort, she finally took off the first top. With some more effort, she took off more layers.

"Phew, that was tight..." Ann said, relieved to have some breathing room.

"T-Tight?" Yusuke whispered, then shook his head, trying to shake away the impure thoughts. "No, I'm doing this for art."

"Don't look over here, okay?" Ann tried to say playfully but sounded forced. Fortunately, Yusuke didn't notice. "Hey, your sensei's coming back soon, right?"

"I believe so..." Yusuke caught a glimpse of another piece of clothing that landed near him.

"Do you think we could do this somewhere else then?" Ann asked. "A little more atmosphere would be lovely..."

"This should be good enough..." Yusuke said, confused by the question.

"But wouldn't a room with a lock be a bit better?" Ann said, still trying to sound alluring but still coming off forced.

"A lock?" Yusuke asked, seemingly confused.

"Must a girl say more?" Ann said.

"Wha!?" Yusuke was startled as another piece of clothing flew in front of him. He quickly moved it out of his mind and back to Ann's question. "But the only one with a lock is Sensei's room."

"Then why not there?"

"No, I can't intrude... Besides, I don't have the key..."

Ann sighed. "He says he doesn't have the key," she whispered to Morgana.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2023 ⏰

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