Chapter 10

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Yuki Emiya

[Excalibur Morgan has been added to ?.]

[You have defeated Servant Saber (Artoria Alter).]

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When I dismissed Caliburn, it faded in a flash of light, and a necklace appeared around my neck. It had a pendant shaped like a sword, colored blue, and gold.

Huh, interesting.

Ritsuka and Mash went back toward Olga and Kana, who seemed to be talking about things. Saber and I were making our way toward the crystal that is the Holy Grail.

"Saber, why does your other self have to be so cryptic?" I asked her.

"I... don't know the answer to that," Saber responded with confusion at her counterpart's words.

"If I may ask, where did you get Caliburn?" Saber asked.

"...It's a long story. I'll tell you when we get out of here and when we're safe," Saber thought it over for a bit, then nodded in acceptance.

We got to the Grail, and I picked up the crystal to get a better look.

...Why do I feel like I'm forgetting something?

"Hm?" I heard the sound of clapping coming through the silence. Everyone else heard it and looked in the direction it was coming from.

Oh, that's what I was forgetting. At the top of the slope that Saber Alter was on was Lev Lainur Flauros. The Demon Lord and the one who sabotaged Chaldea.

"My, I never thought all of you would get this far," he commented. "This is an unforeseen element of the project that goes beyond what my tolerance allows,"

Beside me, Saber narrowed her eyes at his words and held Excalibur a little tighter.

"Professor Lev?" Mash said in surprise.

"Lev!" Olga started running toward him in happiness.

"Hi, Olga. It seems you've had a rough time," Lev idly commented

"With all these problems, I thought I'd go crazy," the relief on her face was evident. "But with you here, we'll get through this, won't we?"

"Of course. I'm just furious with all these unexpected events," annoyance had seeped into his voice. "Romani, I told you to come to the control room right away."

"Lev?" I heard the confusion and realization in Romani's tone. Ritsuka, Kana, and Mash all gained a surprised and horrified look when they realized the implications of Lev's admission. Saber noticed the growing tension and slowly put her guard up to be ready for a fight. Olga was lost in her relief that she hadn't seemed to have noticed yet and was still running in his direction.

"And you, Olga... I planted the bomb right beneath your feet. I'm surprised you're still alive," Olga completely froze in place when hearing that. "In fact, you're dead. You're physical body, anyway."

The others gasped in shock. Olga's jaw dropped, and she stared at Lev in disbelief at what he was saying. He explained how she was here, but I tuned it out.

I was too busy thinking of something else. I knew of Olga's fate and was trying to devise a plan to solve it. I have the Holy Grail in my hand, but I don't think I can stop Flauros from taking it from me. I was proven right when I felt it being pulled from my grasp. I tried to hold on to it, but it was torn from me and went right into his grasp.

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