Shirou Day 2022

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Non-Canon (?)

In a parallel future...

Ragnarok: The Battle for Humanity's Right to Live

"Haah, haah. Ugh, damn..." Yuki spit out some blood as she slowly stood up, her legs shaking. The broken remains of multiple pairs of Traced Kanshou and Bakuya fizzled out of existence.

Across from her was Poseidon with a sadistic look on his face. "What's wrong? I thought you could endure anything. Or is that all you have, you insignificant worm."

"Bastard..." Yuki growled. She barely managed to survive Poseidon's Medusa Alope Demeter technique.

"That is a terrible name," Persona Medusa complained.

Up in the stands, Yuki's friends and family were watching on in worry.

"C'mon, Yuki! You got this!" Morgana shouted in encouragement, though there were tears in his eyes seeing his best friend so beat up.

Rin noticed Morgana's distress and picked up the cat in her arms.

"Mom..." Rei looked on, "She'll win. Right, Miss Saber?" Rei asked, her tone giving away that she was trying to reassure herself.

"She will win," Artoria stated as if it was a foregone conclusion.

Sebas was silent. He would love nothing more than to go down there himself and kill this arrogant god. But he promised his lady that he would let her handle this. He had no doubt she would win.

On the other side with the gods...

"Hm, it looks like the girl won't last much longer," Hermes observed.

"Hmph. I'll admit she lasted longer than I thought," Ares said, surprising Hermes.

"Oh~ Did you just compliment a mortal?" Hermes teased.

Ares scoffed and said nothing though he was confused. Why did he compliment that human?

"Well, looks like this one is going to die too," Loki shrugged. "The expected outcome, of course."

Aphrodite had a frown on her face. For some reason, the thought of this human dying made her upset and depressed. She was perplexed about where these emotions were coming from as she knew she had never met this girl before.

In fact, many gods, including Shiva and his wives, Apollo, Artemis, Indra, Frigg, and many more, feel conflicting emotions at the thought of Yuki dying. They didn't know what to think of these feelings.

Odin noticed this odd phenomenon happening among his fellow gods. "Just what is happening with them? Who is this human that the thought of her death causes such distress in the minds of some of the other gods? ...Actually, I can see the same distress in some humans as well."

Back in the arena...

Yuki took a deep breath and closed her eyes.

Poseidon narrowed his eyes. His instincts were telling him that this mortal was not finished yet. "Tch," he clicked his tongue.

"Haah. Guess there's only one way to win this..."

Yuki's eyes shot open.

"I am the bone of my sword."

A heavy pressure blasted throughout the entire arena.

"This is... energy from the soul?" Osiris said in confusion.

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