Chapter 13

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~ May 8 - Emiya Residence - Morning ~

"Haah," I stretched out my body, getting some nice pops from my bones as I woke up.

Rei and I stayed up late playing games since I had no school today. We ended up camping out in the living room, falling asleep while watching Star Wars movies. I looked to the side to see Rei asleep. Ralts and Morgana were sleeping next to her. Zacian was already awake and staring at me.

I gave her a pat on the head, got up, and made my way to the bathroom close by to wash my face. Then I made my way to the kitchen to cook some breakfast, but Sebas was already there, and it looked like he was just about to finish cooking.

"Good morning, Lady Elysia," Sebas greeted.

"Morning, Sebas," I responded. "Where's Artoria?"

"I believe she is walking around the neighborhood."

Hmm, she was probably looking for a job. She did say she felt bad just sitting around.

At this moment, Rei walked into the kitchen with Morgana in her arms. She covered a yawn and sat at the table. "Morning," she said sleepily. Sebas and I greeted her in return.

Sebas served us a traditional Japanese breakfast. Rice, miso soup, rolled omelets, boiled vegetables, and grilled fish. Thankfully, Sebas didn't make natto. It's one of my least favorite dishes, and I doubt Rei will like it.

"So, Rei, I got the day off. Want to explore Tokyo today?" I asked.

"Sure!" she said, excited, and I nodded.

We finished breakfast and dressed in our usual casual clothes to head out. I would like to say that I finally got my red leather jacket repaired after it got damaged back in Singularity F. Morgana decided to stay behind and relax at the house for today.

"Have a nice day, my lady," Sebas bid farewell from the door.

"Thanks, Sebas. We'll be back just before dinner," I said.

"Bye, Mister Sebas," Rei waved as we left.

~ Big Bang Burger, Shibuya Central Stree - Afternoon ~

After we left the house, I took her to the Ueno Zoo. It seemed like a good place to take a kid. I wasn't too sure because I was new to this whole parent thing. We had a small problem: before we bought tickets to enter, I realized that I was only 15 and Rei was 10, so we needed an adult with us, at least at the entrance, to buy our way in.

So, I hid in a secluded place and summoned Aphrodite. In hindsight, I should have chosen someone else because Aphrodite was a Goddess of Beauty, so her appearance drew attention to us. But Dite was Rei's caretaker, so it seemed obvious to pick her. Rei was surprised to see her but was happy. Dite didn't stay very long as she knew I wanted to spend time with Rei by myself and so returned to the Sea.

Rei looked very happy to see all the different kinds of animals. She was always pointing out each one and explaining each of them. She really likes animals and took the time to study them in school when she had the chance. After the zoo, I took her to a Big Bang Burger in Shibuya to eat lunch.

"You looked like you had fun at the zoo," I commented.

"Yeah, I like animals a lot," Rei responded. "But I only ever I to look them up at school. The Dursleys never let me do... anything really."

"Well, it's good you had fun," I said.

"Yeah," Rei took a bite out of her burger. "Thanks for today."

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