Chapter 5

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Disclaimer: I own nothing except the OCs.


[The Gamer Patch 1.02 has been installed.]

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Patch Notes 1.02

Landmarks have been added to the Game. Go out and discover these places for some rewards.

- Certain locations have now become landmarks.

- Locations you have already been to have been marked as discovered.

[Landmark Discovered: Café Leblanc.]

[Landmark Discovered: Shujin Academy.]

[Landmark Discovered: Issei's House.]

Rewards: 3 Gacha Tickets, 1 END, 2 WIS.


~ May 3 – Hyatt Hotel – Midday ~

Flopping down on the hotel bed, I took a breath before going over my thoughts.

Fuyuki City, a city in the Oita Prefecture on the island of Kyushu, the place where Fate takes place. I did some research on the way here and just like a month ago, I found nothing. I tried looking at the history of this place and it showed nothing out of the ordinary. No serial killers, no monster movie filming going too far, no Great Fuyuki Fire, no gas leaks, no nothing.

With all this research it would seem that this lead would be a dead end but I don't want to give up on it just yet. Also, the quest is hinting at me that I'll find answers to my parentage here, so that's another reason I'm here. I just have no idea where to start looking. Fuyuki is a big place and I don't know the exact locations of certain important places, like the Tohsaka and Matou manors, or the Emiya Residence, assuming they exist here. My map function isn't helping me out either. These places aren't labeled on it and there's no quest marker telling where to go this time.

"So?" Morgana hopped on the bed and spoke up, taking me away from my thoughts.

"So, what?" I asked in return.

"What are we doing here? You've been quiet this whole time."

I stayed silent debating what I should tell him. Eventually, I decided to tell him a part of my backstory.

"...Haah, I grew up an orphan all my life," I started. Morgana's eyes widened a bit since I started talking about myself, which I haven't done yet with my friends. Whenever they ask I usually defect the question. "That's not to say my life was bad growing up but it does mean the other kids would bully me about it since I was different from others but that's not important. At some point, I got to thinking, who are my birth parents? Why did I end up in an orphanage as a baby? Did they give me up because they didn't want me, were forced to or did they die after I was born?"

I took a breath, "I don't know the answers to these questions and it's eating me up from the inside. I feel like I won't know peace until I find out," And ain't that the truth. I want to know why my last name is Emiya. I want to know why I look so much like Mordred from Fate. I remember having black hair and violet eyes in my past life. Why isn't that true in this one as well?

Morgana sat there for a bit thinking things over, then he spoke up. "You really think you can find information on them here?"

"I don't know but it's the only lead I have," which is true.

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