Chapter 8

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Disclaimer: I only own OCs,


~ Fuyuki City – Homurahara Academy ~

Ritsuka Tohsaka

The plan went off without a hitch so far. Everyone played their roles perfectly, Caster stalled Berserker, Mash launched me perfectly, I killed Berserker, and Saber manage to protect me from the explosion. Berserker is now regenerating his body. Saber and I regrouped with Mash and Caster, who are standing a good distance away to the side. Apparently, this is so Mash can use her shield to protect us just in case. Yuki said that what she was going to do is going to cause some serious collateral damage.

"Trace On"

I heard the familiar trigger words. It's all up to Yuki now and it looks like she's preparing. Although, I have no idea what she's going to do. She sounded like she had a way of taking out 9 of Berserker's lives. If she does then that's incredible. But... it seems like she's just standing there. Looking into her eyes, I can see that her mind is not here, it's somewhere else. What's going on?

I didn't have to worry too long as a second later, she seemed to snap out of what trance she was in. She stood for a second not doing anything again. The look on her face was... odd. It was a mixture of sadness, pity, regret, and... anger? Why does she have that look?

The look left as quickly as it came and determination was shown on her face. She ripped off what was left of the bandages on her right arm, showing her non-broken, healed arm, and raised it into the air.

"Trigger Off..."

The moment she said those words, a huge burst of mana blasted from her. The winds picked up, I could see her mana crackling through the air like lightning, Yuki's Magic Circuits shining brightly beneath her skin on her visible arm, and there was a ball of mana, moving around just above her hand.

I'm certain that my jaw has dropped as far as it can go from the sheer power that is coming off of Yuki. The others are completely shocked as well. Mash and Saber looked surprised then ready to defend everyone, the Director looked to be in disbelief, Kana, I can see has hope in her eyes, and Caster has a smirk on his face. Whatever Yuki is about to do, I can tell, is going to blow everyone's minds away.

And I was right when the chaotic ball of mana transformed into this giant sword. Although, calling it a sword is a bit generous. It looked like a giant slab of stone that was jaggedly sharpened on one edge for the "blade". It looked completely nonsensical but it looks like Yuki knows what to do with it. She has this fierce look on her face.

"Nine Lives... Blade Works!"

I don't know how to describe what happened next but it was amazing to see. One second she was there, then she was gone. It looked like she completely vanished. The next thing I see is that she already has her sword stabbing through Berserker's chest. Then the most amazing part... Nine deep grooves were carved into the ground behind Berserker. They quickly kept going on into the gymnasium, crashing into it, and destroying the structure. And I'm pretty sure they kept going after that if all the debris and trees being destroyed further in the distance is any indication.

Berserker looks the worst he's ever been. There were giant slashes on his body and some chunks of him went flying. Not to mention, that giant stone sword is stabbed through him. Berserker stood there unmoving for a few seconds and then he faded away in gold dust.

The stone sword in Yuki's hand faded in blue dust and she passed out, falling face forward.

We all stood there for a few minutes in silence, completely mind blown. Caster was the first one to snap back to his senses and rushed to Yuki and turned her over on her back. She looked bad. She was bleeding all over and she had wounds that looked as if her skin was ripping apart.

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