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Author here: I shall wait for requests. In this story Bugs is nervous about Asking Daffy To Be his husband.
Bugs's POV
Me and Daffy Have been together for a long Time, And Now i can finally ask the question. But first i need help from my friends.

So i pulled out out my phone and called porky, Lola and the whole gang.

"Y-Ya-Ye Hello Bugs, Whatcha need?" Porky Asked.

"I need help with something...Im proposing to Daffy And I need everyones help..."

Porky squealed on the line and quickly said yes.

"Great, Thank you Porky!"

I hung up and quietly snuck out the door hoping to not wake up Daffy.
Daffy's POV
I woke up and shuffled out of bed and walked down the steps.

Huh, Usually bugs Is awake, I dont smell Coffee.

"Weird..." I mumbled and walked into the kitchen Hopefully to see a Bugs there, But nope.

"Thats odd..." I frowned and sat down at the table where there was a note.

'Dear Daffy,
As you noticed i havent made coffee yet, Well I had to take care of some business. So I will Be back Later In the Afternoon/Evening. Porky will Also Pick you up.

Love, Bugs.'

I huffed, "Huh. I wonder what bugsth Isth Doing if itsth going to take him all Day". I sighed and just decided to watch That Horrible Tv called Football,

"Despicable", I groaned and made my way to to my withered blue recliner, Grabbed the remote and sat down.

"Yuck. Football".

I groaned and decided to take a nap.
Bugs's POV
Everything was perfect.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Bugs's POV~~~~~~~~~~Everything was perfect

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The Wedding Area was complete. Sure it only Took...Five hours to complete, But i wanted this to be special for Daffy.

I pulled My phone out and called porky The pig.

"Hello?? He-Hello Bugs! Im on my way with Daffy".

"Good, Did you Put the Blindfold on?"


I exhaled and nodded, "Alright, Well Hurry".

"I am about 30 minutes Away! Dont worry!"

I giggled, "I wont Worry".

I pressed the end call button and waited.

Daffy's POV
I dont know why Porky dragged me out here In a fancy suit.

Daffy's POV~~~~~~~~~~I dont know why Porky dragged me out here In a fancy suit

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(Authors note: This is Daffy's Wedding Tuxedo)

The next thing i know. IM IN A BLINDFOLD!

"Dont worry Daffy, We are almost there!" Porky Exclaimed.

~~~~~~~~Timeskip when they get there~~~~~~~~
Once we got there porky turned the car off and exited the car.

Then i heard him open my passenger door and helped me out.

"A-Alright Daffy, Were here, Just let me lead you to one last Thing".

"Sthure thing...?" I asked quizzically.

I felt him grab my hand and led me.

"Porky where are we going!? And why does it smell so...Foresthy?" I asked in a confusing tone. I heard Birds Chirping and insects making noises.

"And were here! Are you ready Uh D-Daffy?" Porky replied all Giddy.

"Yesth...?" I mumbled and felt the blindfold lift off my eyes, Which revealed a very well decorated Forest.

"Wh-What...Is this..." I stuttered in awe.

I turned my head and noticed bugs wearing a well fitted white tuxedo.

I turned my head and noticed bugs wearing a well fitted white tuxedo

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(Author note: This is Bugs's Wedding tuxedo).

"B-Bugsth what is all if this...and Why is everyone dressed Stho Fancily?"

I looked back over to the rabbit who slowly pulled out a small black velvet box.

Then he Slowly got down on one knee and opened it.


"Daffy. You mean a lot to me, We May have our ups and downs...And we may not always agree on everything. But i want You To be by My Side every single day.."

"Bugs..." I stuttered feeling tears prick my eyes.

"No Matter what...Happens. Daffy Dodger Duck. Will you Marry me?" Bugs Finished with a happy smile.

I used my left arm to fan my face trying to not let any tears fall, But all I did was simply nod, "YESTH! YESTH I WILL MARRY YOU! YOU DESPICABLE RABBIT!" I exclaimed with happiness.

Bugs stood up and pulled me into a long passionate Kiss.

"Alright! Quit Yer Kissin An Get Over Ere so we Can have an Actual Weddin!"  Yosemite Sam cheered along with the rest of the gang.

"I love you Daff.."

"I love you to Bugsthy".

Me and Bugs rested our heads against each other and made our way to the altar.

This was The Happiest Day i had.

Author here: Wooooo YOU GET YOUR MAN BUGS BUNNY- *crying*