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Author here: part 2 of the proposal. In this story Bugs And Daffy go to Hawaii for their honeymoon, and Uhhh Thinks get a Bit kinky (THERE IS NO MAJOR STUFF ITS JUST TEASING-or is there *lenny*)
Authors POV
Since Bugs and Daffy Had gotten married, Their friends decided to give them a vacation To Hawaii.

"So what do you guys think we should do For Bugs and Daffy?" Lola Had everyone Had Speedys Pizzaribba to come up with a plan.

"How about a Vacation To the Mountains?" Sam Said

"No. How about a cruise?" Witch Lezah Exclaimed.

"No, Do you want them to get food poisoning?" Tina Scowled at the Witch.

Lezah, who was un-phased by Tinas Glare just shrugged.

"How about we send Mr. Duck and Mr. Rabbit to Hawaii?" Gossamer Questioned which caused everyone to look in his direction.

"Uhh...What did i say?" The orange furball questioned.

"A Hawaiian Vacation...PERFECT!" Lola yelled, "Tina Help me with getting tickets, Witch Lezah And Gossamer, You Guys Go Get Bugs and Daffy and meet us all at the airport!". Lola grabbed Tinas arm and ran out.
Daffy's POV
All I can really remember was enjoying a glass of Coffee, Then the next. We were Dragged into Witch Lezahs Car with Gossamer in the passenger seat and me and Bugs in the back.

"Uhh...Where are we goin?" Bugs Asked.

"We are going to the airport Mr Rabbit", Gossamer Replied in a happy tone.

"Why?" I questioned.

"Because We Can So Shush! We are almost There". Witch Lezah replied with a growl.

"Ok..." I mumbled and rested my head on Bugs's Shoulder, "I didnt get to watch my Cop Show yet..Along with drinking my coffee.." I frowned.

Still Daffy's POV
We finally Arrived at the Airport, And everyone was standing there, "Whats with this?" Bugs asked and got out of the car then helped me.

"Surprise!" Everyone Yelled.

"Were Having you Guys Go On A Quick Vacation", Lola Ran up to bugs and Shook him by the shoulders.

"NOW GET GOING! Also one more thing Daffy, C'mere".

"A...I-Im afraid to with your weird look..."

"Just Come here". Lola Said a little more firmly to which i replied.

"O-Ok..." I mumbled and Shrugged looking at Bugs.

Bugs Tilted his head and waited while he Chatted with Yosemite And Pepe Le Pew.

"Daffy~ Save this for when you and Bugs Do...Ya Know", Lola winked and handed me a bag, I lifted a brow and opened it quickly regretting my decision.

"Are You Crazy?! I-What-! What is this stuff For?! Me and Bugs might just watch a movie. BUT THIS!?" I yelled, My face fully red from being flustered by what was in the bag.

"But~Bugs Might Like ittt~" Lola wiggled her eyebrows and shoved me back to bugs, "NOW GET ON YOUR FLIGHT YOU TWO!" Lola Yelled.

"A-Alright Doc...? Come On Daff..." Bugs mumbled and walked dragging our suitcases behind him.

I nervously nodded and followed behind My Husband And hid the bag behind my back.
We Finally arrived in Hawaii, Everything was so Blue!

The water looked like it went from a turquoise color to a deep dark royally blue color.

"Its So Pretty!" I exclaimed, Bugs Giggled and grabbed my hand, "Im glad they Did this For us, This Is amazing".

I Nodded All Giddily and Squealed, "Im so excited!"

The Grey Rabbit laughed and lifted my chin to face him, "Calm down Daff, Were almost landing then you can fangirl".

I smiled and placed a kiss on Bugs's Lips, "So what was in the Bag That You Had By the way?"

I froze and gulped, "Uhh...It was a bag...F-For...Uhhh Special Purposes...?" I placed another quick kiss on Bugs's Face and Realized we were Landing.

"Lets Go Get our Stuff".
Once Me and Bugs Arrived at our hotel we walked up to the front desk and asked for our room key.

"Hello, Im Katie, How may I help you?"

"Ehhh, Whats Up Doc? Me and My husband here are on Vacation".

Katie smiled and handed bugs the key, "Enjoy the Honeymoon suite. And Congrats On your Marriage!"

We thanked The female and Walked to our suite.

"A suite Eh? Thatsth Perfect for my sthyle!" I exclaimed and smoothed out my Black feathers and Wrapped my Arm around Bugs's.

Bugs Laughed and kissed my forehead as we made our way to the elevator.
~~~~~~~~~~~~Time skip when the get to the room~~~~~~
Authors POV
Once The Married couple arrived at their room, Bugs took out his keycard and placed slid it across the lock.


And The door opened revealing a romantically decorated room.

And The door opened revealing a romantically decorated room

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(author: This is their room)

"Wow..." Daffy Mumbled as Bugs Closed the door and locked it.

"Shall we Get adjusted?" the rabbit asked looking at the amazed Duck, "Sthure". Daffy waved a dismissive hand.

Bugs Rolled his eyes and went to place their stuff in the drawers.

Daffy Flopped onto the bed and let out a relaxed sigh, "We are Finally in Hawaii Bugsth! What Sthall We do Now?" The duck called for the Grey Bunny.

Bugs shrugged and walked over to the bed and crawled besides daff and laid down.

"I dont know, But i could sure use a nap after that long flight".

"Yup! Champagne Bugsth? Or something else?" Daffy Looked over and rolled onto his side to face his husband.
Bugs's POV
I pulled Daffy Close to me and Held him close, His soft feathers were smooth and silky.

"B-Bugsth? What...Made you want to marry me? I-I know i may be lazy and sometimes I ask for your card to buy stuff..." Daffy wanted to finish but was stopped when i kissed him on the beak.

"I married you because your funny, You care about your friends, Even though you show it in your own way".

Daffy Smiled and buried his face in my chest fur.

"Ya know Daffy...How about you and me make this bed Useful? Got any ideas~?" I smirked and waited for Daffy's Answer.

"Uhmm....Cardsth? Watch a movie? Nap?"

I shook my head and crawled on top of Daffy, "Nope, Since its our Honeymoon, we might enjoy ourselves in a..Fun Way Doc".

Daffy Blushed Furiously by what i meant and hesitantly nodded.


And You already know what Meant.