Chapter 21

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Tris pov
We had been dancing all night and talking to all our friends, it was about 2 in the morning when the party started to die down. Only Christina, Caleb, Susan, and Peter were here helping us pack up the mess. we left most of it for the cleaners in the morning but we couldn't leave it all. We were leaving straight to our honey moon from this venue and I was so excited, but so tired from the wedding I couldn't even think of flying on a plane at the moment.
"Why don't you go get some sleep and leave in the morning instead tris?" Christina noticed me yawning in a corner and gave me a big hug. We both looked over at Tobias, as if we were asking for permission.
"Yeah that's a good idea, I'll get her home and our plane leaves at 7am if you want to drop in and see us Christina." She laughed and helped me out the door and into the car.
"Do you think I wake up before 7am? I don't think so, and I umm actually have a date tomorrow night so might sleep in." wait she what? She obviously read the blank look on my face, as she just laughed and said she will call me all the details if the date actually did go well. However she insisted in not telling me who it was yet and I was quite excited to know. Tobias walked round the car and shut my door, as I waved good bye to Christina with the most excited look on my face.
We drove off the first time together married, we were just starting the best adventures of our life together. As soon as we walked through the door we went straight to bed. Curled up in each other's arms we got the best, maybe shortest sleep, but the best sleep we'd ever had.
The next morning
We were up early, 5:30 to be exact. So that we could get to the airport on time for our flight to the Caribbean islands. The place looked amazing and I couldn't wait to step foot off the plane. in the car Tobias grabbed my hand and just held it in the silencd. But the small gesture was enough to show his love toward me, and spending the rest of my life with him was the best decision I have ever made.
The plane trip felt like forever, one minute I was like a little kid glued to the window, the next I was asleep on Tobias's shoulder, then would wake up wanting food. I really didn't know how he was going to put up with me for the rest of his living years. The plane landed on the little runway and I looked outside to pure heaven. The most amazing thing I had ever seen.
"Baby come on, let's go find our place." Tobias dragged me off the plane, and we walked through trees and little houses, till we found where we would be staying. It was like a beach house, with the perfect view to the stunning beach, walking through the door we sat our stuff down and explored the place.
"This holiday is going to be so amazing." Tobias came up and hugged me from behind, as I stood on the veranda looking out to the ocean. I turned in his arms and leaned up to kiss him.
"Our honey moon baby." We kissed for a bit, then got changed and swam for the day.
"I couldn't wish for the better honey moon with my amazing husband." He smiled and hugged me.
"As I, with my beautiful wife." We kissed in the water under the sun set, one of the happiest moments of my life.

(Authors note: so I'm really excited, but also sad 😭 I'm excited because I have 30000 reads!!! Omg so stoked!! And 1000 votes!!! I was honestly jumping up and down in excitement as I read it!! I honestly appreciate it so much guys and I love you all just as much!!! xx but now I have really sad news :( this is the last chapter!!! Other than the epilogue, there will be no more :( I've already written so much more than I originally planned, but I have loved it so much!! I hope you guys read some of my other stories. especially my fav 'undiscovered mysteries' I'm honestly so excited with the ideas of the story, but I haven't got much support to continue it yet. So please please don't leave me :'( read some more stories, recommend me to others, I just love hearing from you all. Follow me and I'll try read your stories to.
Once again thanks heaps for all your support. Love you all and enjoy the last chapter xx)
P.S. Sorry this chapter was pretty bad :( but who do you think Christina's mystery guy was? Xx

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