Chapter 1

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Tobias POV

"Tobias I'm sorry." Was the last thing I heard before I ran off to find Tris's room, I had to make sure she was okay. I ran to the hospital to see if she were there and as I saw Caleb Prior I immediately knew what had happened - she went in their instead of him.

I ran to Caleb who was crying and watching a room, it was Tris's. I went still as I watched all the doctors hook things up to her body and I watched as she made no response, but I saw blood. There wasn't meant to be blood, she was only exposed to the death serum so it shouldn't have cause her bleed and that horrifically. I was confused until I saw them pull a bullet out of her body. She was shot, who shot her ? I was mad and I felt numb as the doctors tried their hardest to revive her, my thoughts clicked to Caleb standing beside me crying as he watched Tris.

"You think you can't stand here and cry over something you did that should be you lying there, not her she didn't deserve this." I yelled at him but towards the end I got to emotional and slumped to the ground crying. I haven't never cried this much before, I have never been so emotional over someone I loved, but this was Tris and I promised I would never let anything happen to her. I broke my promise.


1 hour later

All the doctors exited her room and one went and spoke to Caleb who was now sitting on the other side of the corridor, opposite me. Once they had spoken Caleb stood up and entered the room. I was scared at what I would see if I looked in the window at Tris, but I was also mad that Caleb was aloud to see Tris in whatever state she was in, because he is the reason she is lying there. I walked up to one of the doctors, without turning round to see into Tris's room.

"Can I go in and see her." I asked with a bit of attitude in my tone.

"Usaully we only let family in, but i think you guys are pretty close so yes you can, just don't say anything that may make her distressed because she can hear you." That must mean she is alive. I walked into her room and saw Caleb holding her hand saying something to her, but as soon as he saw me, he stopped.

"I'll leave you alone, if you like." Caleb offered. I didn't reply or look at him so he just walked out.

I froze at the site of Tris looking lifeless in front of me. I walked over to side and grabbed her hand, I looked at her face which was ghostly pale. I couldn't control the tears as they slide down my face and dropped onto her hand in mine.

"I'm so sorry Tris this was never meant to happen to you, I love you Tris." I swear her hand twitched under mine. I sat down in the set next to the hospital bed and feel asleep with my head on our hands. I woke when someone was shaking my shoulder, it was just Christina.

"I can watch her for a while." She offered, but I just shock my head.

"Can I talk to her though?" She asked with a smile. I looked at Tris and kissed her hand as I stood up.

"Yeah of course, the doc just said to not say anything distressing to her because she can hear you." She nodded and I walked out the room. Zeke was outside the room, watching Tris. I thought him and his mum would be with Uriah.

"Hey I just wanted to tell you we will be switching off his life support tomorrow at noon." He was talking about Uriah, I couldn't talk just yet so I just nodded. I'm going to lose my friend tomorrow, so I can't lose Tris as well.

"Hang in there dude." He obviously sensed my mood, he patted my shoulder then walked off down the hall.

"I'm sorry," I said quietly but he still heard."about Uriah." He nodded and then continued walking.

Allegiant SPOILER - If Tris was aliveWhere stories live. Discover now