Chapter 4

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Tris POV

I walked to my childhood house which wasn't far from my current one. Once I got to the door I opened it with the key I always kept in my pocket. I stepped into the houses and a flood of memories came back, our family was happy until the choosing ceremony came along and it fell apart. The picture of when my mum and dad died cloud my thoughts and I let out tears. I walk up the stairs to the bedrooms and when I walked past the bathroom I saw the mirror we sat in front of, when getting our hair cut. It was opened so I walked in and shut it so I felt like life was how it used to be, when abnegation was safe and we weren't allowed to look in the mirror at ourselves. I then traveled to mum and dad's room, which only had a bed in the middle and a picture of Caleb and I on a bed side table. They never brought anything for themselves so they didn't own much stuff, just clothes. I grabbed the photo and then walked to my room and saw one of us as a family. I sat on my bed and took the photo out of the frame and carefully placed it into in my pocket. I walked back down the stairs and into the kitchen and living room, when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I knew who is was, I turned around to see Tobias standing in front of me.
"Come here." I walked into his arms and cried, a while later I stepped back wiping my eyes.
"Sorry." I was apologising because I didn't want to put my problems on him.
"Don't you dare say sorry, there is no need." I nodded and walked back out the door, Tobias followed and I locked the door behind him.
"Do you want to talk about it." He was genuinely caring, but I didn't want to talk about it so I shock my head. He took my hand as we walked down the street back to our home.
We finally got home and I threw myself onto the couch, Tobias came to sit down a while later and scooted closer to him.
"I know how much your family mean to you tris but I don't think I can zip line, I will try if you want but....." Tobias was really cute when talking about his fear, but he also seemed uncomfortable. I put my fingers on his lips to stop him talking then removed them before he pressed his soft lips to mine. The kiss was passionate and deep, so when caleb had walked in we didn't notice. He walked past us coughing and entered the kitchen so we were at least out of site from him.
I pulled back because I realised caleb was here...
"Don't he can't see us anymore." I chuckled and he leaned in and kissed me again.
"Just because I can't see you Tobias, doesn't mean I don't know what you are doing with my sister." we pulled back and then walked into the kitchen holding hands.
"You just have terrible timing." Tobias replied and laughed at his comment.
"Anyway what are you doin here ?" I asked my brother and for a second I swear I saw sadness in his eyes.

(Authors Note: hey guys I hope your enjoying this fan fic , I don't know when I will update next because I am busy with school and writing two other completely different stories.
Thanks for reading guys, please comment and vote to persuade me to keep writing :) love you guys xx)

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