1|Middle finger

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You huff as you get out of your apartment, looking and feeling like absolute dog poop as you hadn't gotten enough sleep for the night. Quite frankly there was nothing stopping you, you were just finishing some editing and articles for work.

You were behind and were paying for the time you took a week off since you were sick and now piles and piles of work built up and the only way you can get it done is working all day and night. Sadly enough you've been doing nothing but working the whole weekend, barely eating or taking care of yourself and since then you've decided to finally get off your ass and clean your apartment.

It wasn't extremely dirty since you lived alone and made little to no mess, it's just the piles of garbage started piling up resulting in you ending up with multiple garbage bags and a smelly apartment. It was getting out of hand and finally you were done with catching up —after not sleeping for nearly two days— but you're grateful.

You managed to carry the garbage all the way down to the chute and only had one more big bag left, fortunate enough you didn't see him yet. Although you'd know that seeing him would lead to you two bickering it always satisfied you to get the last laugh. However, you mustn't let him see you in this state, you would never hear the end of him teasing you about the stains on your sweatshirt, or the pyjama shorts covered in little dinosaurs. Your hair was a complete rat's nest and your face was horrendous, nonetheless you still thought you were a bad bitch and he can suck your fat big toe for all you care.

It was 5am and you were sure he wasn't awake at this time so you finally took the last garbage bag and carefully dragged the heavy trash down the hall, making sure it didn't rip on the way. You hum quietly as you lift the bag and throw it down the shoot. Mentally cheering yourself for throwing them all out you start your walk down back to your apartment, until you hear a sudden door unlocking and halted your movements.


The door opened revealing a tall Jungkook as he rocked baggy grey sweats, and a fitting white tee that accentuates his small waistline. You notice his long hair pulled back into a man bun as he has his duffle bag thrown across his shoulder, his keys dangling from his pocket.

He pauses for a second eyeing down your figure as you stand there like a deer caught in headlights. A foul smirk makes its way onto his lips as you begin to sigh, crossing your arms.

"I see someone rose from the dead, literally" He chuckled, locking his door. His full attention was now targeted towards you as an impatient scowl formed on your face.

"Shut up Jeon" you hissed glaring at him as he chuckled even more, throwing his head back, and holding his stomach.

"Seriously you look too rough, what the fuck happened to you" he scoffs, and you step forward pointing a finger at him.

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