Drabble 1: Snooze button

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"Good morningggg" Jungkook sings, swinging a leg over you, chest upon your back and hands digging into your waist from behind.

It wasn't a good morning, in fact you were late for work and Jungkook has you late again. Which you condoned for the first few times, you loved slow mornings with him but you were given a warning, a no late policy in place at work that has you anxiously latching him off you and jumping up to check if the time really is half past seven right now.

Of course he was annoying and clingy at the ass crack of dawn but he also had to be a morning person. God you hated him sometimes.

"Seriously I'm late again, and I know it's because you hit my snooze button asshole," you groan. Hurrying into to the bathroom and grabbing your clothes you set out the night before from your dresser.

Jungkook on the other hand stretches out and hums happily, eyes in a daze as he curls back
up into your pillow and tosses a leg over the other half of the comforter. He watches you panickly get ready only having half an hour left until you need to clock in.

He smiles lightly to himself at the endearing words you spew at him, so cute.

"Baby, you looked so calm and sexy in my arms," he whines lightly. Watching you from your bed, as you throw a middle finger at him while you quickly try and conceal your face, and throw some blush to look somewhat corporate ready.

"I will kill you if you dare snooze my alarm again," you snap and Jungkook pouts climbing out the bed to attach himself to your back. You don't push him off of course, you actually encourage his hands that manhandle you out the seat, while he sits you on his lap.

You huff, laying down your brows and putting some light mascara on.

"You're driving me to work," you point and Jungkook hums, hands now roaming up your shirt and face nuzzled into your sweet neck.

You note he's very needy and affectionate this morning, (he usually is) but this is on a different level.

"What's up with you," you tease, hand turning his chin up towards you and he lazily looks up to meet your eyes in the mirror.

"I miss you and I don't want you to leave," he mumbles, face hiding back into your nape. You scoff,

"Is that why you snoozed my alarm?" you lightly point and he hums.

"Your actually such a baby, get off me," you try and move off his lap. He holds you back down though which forces you stay put.

Fine, you think.

You grab the perfume off the vanity holder and spray some onto your wrists and just when the smell kicks in he jerks up at it.

"Jungkook please, I need to go," you plead, hands trying to pry his face off your neck and Jungkook looks up at you one more time, clearly still sleepy and needy. Hair lays over his forehead gently and you manage to sweep some off his face.

He shakes his head no.

What the fuck?

"Bro if you don't get off me in five minutes-"

"Don't call me bro." He states, slightly irritated.

"Dude if you don't-"

"Don't call me any of variation either," he lifts his head and pouts and you finally feel his hands loosen around you which you take the chance to get off him. You turn around and grab his cheeks, kissing it multiple times while he just smiles, content and satisfied.

You grab your bag and make your way out the room, getting the kettle going for your tea and throwing some granola bars in your bag. Jungkook follows you out, and you just find him so adorable in his wife beating tank top and baggy sweats, eyes following your every move and feet padding behind you while you gather your things and snacks.

"That's not breakfast," he states, looking at the granola bar in your hand.

You eye him sharply, "Well maybe if you didn't snooze my alarm I would....I don't know....have enough time to make some," you retort sarcastically. Jungkook pouts now, looking a little guilty and you step towards him and wrap your hands around him.

"We'll have a big lunch together when I'm off baby," you reassure and he shakes his head.

"Nah i'll bring you sum to eat in the meantime," he states, hands going down to grab your ass that he lightly rubs on his way up to your back. You indulge in connecting your lips, a soft peck turning into multiple and into a full make out when Jungkook pulls you closer and starts kissing down your neck. His tongue licks against your skin and your skin so soft on his tongue.

"I wish you didn't work," he says pecking your lips once more. You chuckle lightly pecking him a dozen more times until your water is done boiling.

Unwrapping yourself from him he follows behind you, like a lost puppy which makes you laugh.

"Yours seriously such a baby, c'mon" you coo, grabbing your favorite mug. Jungkook huffs, his hands find home in your ass again, while he bites his lip.

"I'm your baby," he utters, question almost dancing the line of hesitancy.

"You sure are, can't wait to come back home. Wanna grab tacos?" you ask and he nods.

"Yes, gonna get dressed and drive you give me a second," he leaves with smack on your ass and you roll your eyes lightly.

You can't seem to get anything done when he's this needy but you wouldn't trade it for anything else.

A/N: Heyyyyy
I'm gonna start writing drabbles for this story
since y'all love it so much. SERIOUSLY THANK YOU FOR 60K 💖💖💖 Love you all

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