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"Oh my God", Jisung said, sitting up, covered in large confetti.

"YOU'RE EIGHTEEN!" His mother squealed, hugging him.

"I'm right here."

"Sorry, baby. And sorry for rushing you but we got things to do so get ready."

"What time is it?"

"Noon. I managed to contain myself until now."

"Thanks for that, I'll get ready."

"Reminder that since it's your birthday, it's also a self care day so dress yourself accordingly."

"Got it but Uncle Benjamin is better at picking out outfits."

"I miss Benny."

"Doesn't he hate being called that?"

"Yes, that's the point."

Jisung chuckled as he shut the door after his mom. 

Thirty minutes later, he was ready to go, and ran down the stairs, jumping off the last three steps. The table was covered with his favorite breakfast foods and he looked to his mom, jaw dropping, in amazement.

"Eat up, we still have places to go."

Jisung nodded and quickly jumped into action, seating himself and loading his plate with various things. Becca chuckled and sat down across from her son, calmly grabbing a croissant. The difference between the way the two ate made her burst out laughing, halting Jisung in his place, waffle suspended in the air at the end of his unmoving fork. He started laughing too when he realized and went back to eating, slower this time, earning a nod of approval.

Knowing what was awaiting him in a few hours, Becca decided to take up time doing the most natural birthday thing ever; spoiling her son.

The first place she took him was game store and Jisung's face light up before he bolted out of the car and inside. 

As Jisung was walking out of the store, his phone is his pocket vibrated with multiple messages and he chuckled, already knowing why there were so many messages.


Imina: 🥳🎉🎊🪅



He scrolled through the endless 'Happy Birthday' messages from everyone in the groupchat and then read the other birthday messages he hadn't looked at yet. A few had sent sort, sweet messages, others promising to say a lot later, and a paragraph from each Renjun, Haechan, Jaemin, and Mark.

The rest of the time was passed in the mall, Mrs. Park doing her best to keep Jisung from thinking of the food court. She knew she wouldn't resist if he gave her puppy eyes but they were already going to eat.

Luckily, they managed to browse and buy with no problems and to her knowledge, no suspicion. There technically shouldn't have been any as this was basically how Jisung spent a few of his previous birthdays, maybe with a few exceptions, like his grandparents being present.

When it got near the time for the party, Becca told Jisung they were leaving. As they got in the car, she said, "We have another place to go."


Jisung watched out the window and saw familiar places pass by, none really hinting where they were going. Once they turned onto the street of the restaurant, Jisung realized his mom must be talking him out to eat.

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