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Though she did some studying for the time leading up to June, Imina still felt enormous anxiety for the rapidly approaching finals.

She'd roped Chenle and Jisung into studying with her for History and any other subjects they were good at. But besides that time, her friends barely saw her as she was distracted with the bakery.

It wasn't usual, Imina was exactly like this before she made friends yet that's exactly why her family was worried. Imina's family was able to lighten up her schedule since she had other people that occupied her time and they didn't mind but they knew that the girl felt guilty.

"Imina, sweetie", her aunt said, placing a gentle hand on her shoulder.


"Why don't you take a break? Go out and get some fresh air?"

"I'm fine."

"You might be but I bet your friend will be really disappointed."


Emmy pointed to the back door. Imina went out and came face-to-face with Jaemin.

"I miss my soulmate."

Imina chuckled and hugged him. "I'm right here."

"I know. And you're going to stay with me. I already asked permission and your aunt already locked the door."

Imina tried to open it to check and sure enough, the door was locked. And then she heard her aunt yell for her to go away in Korean.

"Fine!" She called back and followed Jaemin to his truck. "Where are we going?"

"Where do you wanna go? I know plenty of places to find books."

Imina smacked his arm, causing him to laugh. "Stop spoiling me. Plus, I left my wallet at home and I refuse to let you be only one paying."

"Wanna hangout with everyone or just your favorite person?"

"Let's go anywhere we can cuddle for a minimum of thirty minutes."

Jaemins phone buzzed three times a row, each vibration also letting out the sound for a text notification.

"Can you check that?"

"Are you sure?"

Jaemin chuckled. "I already told you I trust you with my phone and I'm right here. Plus, I don't know what you expect to find."

"Just checking", Imina said, grabbing the phone.

"I bet it's Haechan being a brat again."

BFF❤️: You really had to ditch me again?

I cuddle you


"He's saying you ditched him."

Jaemin rolled his eyes. "I wasn't even with him today. We talked on the phone earlier and now he's saying I ditched him."

Imina nodded and then asked, "Do all your friends names have hearts next to them?"

"My closest ones do."

"Random thought just popped into my mind, would you hate me if we went to Haechan's house?"

"Why would I hate you for that?"

"I know you two rarely talk to each other."

"I don't care but is that gonna upset Haechan?"

"Nah, he'll be fine. Text him I'm coming."

Imina did as the boy said, then placed the phone down and started catching up with him.

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