Chapter 2: Different isn't a Bad Thing. I'll make the Best of It

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Sarah's POV: 

"Come on, Lily," Vivian called out with a wide grin, "let me show you the best room. You can call dibs on it before Nicky gets the chance!" She winked. 

I grinned softly and followed her upstairs. She led me to the room on the far end, and I gasped the moment she opened the door. 

It really was magnificent. It was spacious, somehow both cozy and refreshing at the same time. There was a large window on the far end with a spectacular view. And beside that, a ladder leading up to the attic which had a beautiful sunroof. The lighting was perfect. 

"You can set your easel up there," Vivian pointed to the attic, and I turned to give her a hug. 

"Thanks, Viv," I murmured into her shoulder. She wrapped her arms around me, comfortingly. 

"You kids can rely on me anytime you need to. I know I can't replace your mom, but I'm always here for you," she ruffled my hair before pulling away, and gave me a heartfelt smile. I grinned back. 

"And don't worry about asking about any of your animal issues either. Just because I'm a human doesn't mean I don't know much about your kind." I laughed and straightened out my hair.

"I know, I know. Though I doubt I'll need much help with that. I haven't even shifted yet." I replied, linking arms with her to head back downstairs and grab my stuff. 

It was true. I hadn't shifted. And I likely never would. My mother was a human, and I took after her, I guess. But I still had the wonderful superhuman healing that most wolves had, courtesy of my dad. 

Human-werewolf relationships didn't always result in perfectly healthy children. They were never wolf enough to be werewolf, and they were always too wolf to be human. Lots of packs didn't accept them at all, considering them abominations. 

My dad's pack, thankfully, was pretty liberal. They accepted us just fine. My elder sister was mostly human, which sucked because if she hadn't been so weak, she never would've lost her life to a fatal illness. I'm also mostly human, with the whole inability to shift and relatively human-like hearing and smelling abilities, but I'm stronger than she was. Teddy is more wolf than human, but he's just a runt, and that's pretty frowned upon in a lot of werewolf societies. Nicky is mostly werewolf, with all sorts of superhuman strengths. 

I didn't mind the whole not-werewolf-but-not-quite-human life I had going on. The only worry I had was that I had spent my whole life growing up amongst werewolves, and I wasn't so sure I'd know how to fit in with other humans. The werewolf community in this town was less of a unified pack and more of sparse gangs blended in with humans. I didn't know whether they'd be as welcoming to a half-were as my dad's pack was. 

But there was someone here that I knew I could rely on. A fellow werewolf friend from long ago. 

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