Chapter 15: Jason? More like Adonis

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Theodore's POV:

Some people slept with body pillows. I had never done it before, but I expected it felt comfy and warm.  Did they smell nice, too? 

My right arm was numb. I could feel the cold wall pressed against my back. It was especially cold on the small of my back. But oddly enough my legs were warm. 

Very warm, actually. Too warm. My legs were never this warm when I slept. Why are my legs so warm?

My eyes snapped open. I nearly shrieked in surprise. My roommate's face was inches away from my own, and I almost thought he was threateningly leaning close again, until I noticed that his eyes were closed. 

Not only that, his mouth was open and he was letting out soft snores. Was he asleep? He couldn't not be. But why was he sleeping with me? 

I didn't remember anything after getting to bed early last night and falling asleep. 

And he was naked. Hold up, what now, when, why, how, and what? He was naked, nude, unclothed, bare. And goddess why was he so drool worthy? 

His clothes were in a pile near the door. My clothes were still on. I couldn't even begin to fathom why. 

I was half on top of him, holding him like we were cuddling after an especially interesting night. 

I lifted my left arm off of his chest, but my right arm was caught under him, and I couldn't get it unstuck. It didn't hurt much though, but that was only because it was numb. The thin grey blankets were wrapped around my legs, which were straddling his. Why was his skin so freakishly warm? The cold wall against my bare back where my shirt had ridden up slightly was a jarring difference in temperature. 

What happened last night? 

Whatever it was, I needed to get out of this right now. If merely sleeping on the floor was enough to make him throw me out of the room last time, I didn't even want to imagine what would happen if he found out I was sleeping on him. 

I slowly, as subtly as I could, lifted up my left leg and twisted about to get it off of him. The stupid grey sheet made this so much more difficult than it had to be, with how it was wrapped around me and yet somehow under him and it was all this big mess of tangled limbs. 

And suddenly he was moving. I nearly squeaked in fear, but I managed to keep my sounds to a minimum as he turned over, wrapping an arm around me. 

My right hand was free now, at least. But the rest of me wasn't. I was now trapped mostly under him, plastered against the wall. His collarbone pressed against my cheek. 

He was heavy, but no so much that I couldn't breathe. Which was really awful, because I just wanted to suffocate right now. His skin was clammy and he smelled freakishly good to my stupid omega runt of a wolf. 

Oh goddess, kill me now. Smite me in this very spot. Turn my silly little bones to ash and make it so that I never existed. 

"You awake?" he asked. I could nearly cry. Why was his voice so deep and low, rough with sleep and morning heaven? If the goddess wouldn't kill me, my roommate definitely will. 

I nodded. I couldn't speak much with my mouth crushed against his skin. He let out a breath, which ruffled my hair and sent a shiver down my spine. 

Slowly, he raised up, powerful arms flexing beside my head. If he was going to kill me, I didn't want his face to be the last thing I saw. I scrunched my eyes tight. 

I could feel him hover over me a moment. And suddenly, his presence no longer loomed over me. I slowly opened my eyes to see his broad back as he sat on the edge of the bed. 

My right arm tingled as blood began to flow back through the limb. 

He got up and I immediately looked away. He was only wearing underwear. 

He opened the bathroom door. 

"I'm Jason," he called, before closing it behind him. Jason. Somehow, the name seemed to fit him well. 

I got up from bed, finally untangling myself from the sheets. I massaged my arm a bit. I walked to the bathroom door and leaned my face against it. 

"My name is Theodore," I called out, loud enough for him to hear me through the closed door and running shower. 

I quickly changed into my uniform while he was in there, and tidied up the bed. I couldn't bear to look at him when he finally came out, his tight, black underwear and broad shoulders still lingering in my head. 

I rushed into the bathroom and washed up. There was a small digital clock on the bathroom windowsill, and it read 6:30 by the time I had finished up. 

I missed track. Because I was too busy cuddling with my roommate, whom I had very hoped to avoid by going to track in the first place. 

This was going to be interesting. 

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