Chapter 16: I did not just walk in on a TeacherxStudent romance

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Ryder's POV: 

Hanging out with Sarah was great. She was fun and nice and pretty. She meshed well with our group, and conversation was always lighthearted and enjoyable. 

But something was off. I couldn't tell what yet, though. 

I wouldn't have thought anything of it if it hadn't been for Annie's weird behaviour. Annie was amazing at reading people. That's part of the reason I was nearly never angry with her; she knew how to keep me irritated and annoyed, but she never bothered me to an extent that would get me upset. It was like an invisible line that I didn't even know existed that she knew not to cross.

Her ability to read people was even better than Colby's. The two of them really did make such perfect soul mates.

Annie was giggly and bubbly and super happy-go-lucky, and she easily put people in their comfort zones. But she was always trying to find out people's boundaries. And all the subtle glances she kept throwing at Sarah, who hardly noticed, made it clear to me that Annie knew something was off about Sarah's comfort zone.

But then again, Sarah was someone Annie had known ages ago, and a lot of time had passed since then. Sarah and Annie had likely both changed drastically since then. Annie was probably just trying to figure out how to befriend her again after all this time. 

I didn't expect to find out her hidden secret so soon though. 

See, I had merely been trying to not doze off in math class. And well, obviously my horrid awful math teacher asked me to solve some stupid question that made sense to nobody. And it wasn't my fault that she thought I was a smart-ass for saying just that. And really, there was no reason for her to send me to the vice-principal's office for disrupting the class when I retorted. 

And who'd have thought that the one person I'd see when I was there was none other than perfect little Sarah? 

And who'd have thought that she was cozying up to Mrs. Vivian Porter-James, the vice-principle, and getting all touchy-feely for whatever reason? 

The two of them did not expect me to walk in on their little hug session. But I didn't expect to walk in on that either, so who's to blame me? 

When Ms. Porter changed her last name to Mrs. Porter-James over the summer, I did not make the connection between that and Mr. James, aka Sarah's dad, whom I haven't yet met. But apparently, as the story goes, Sarah's new step-mom is none other than the vice-principal at our school. 

The very vice-principal that's always trying to get me to not make so much trouble with my teachers and join some wacky extracurricular activity and get involved in my school community and make friends and be happy! She was insane. 

"Ryder! So good to see you again," she grinned at me after Sarah left, and then her smile drooped as she began to scold me, "this visit better not be because you're in any trouble again, mister." 

"Of course not, Mrs. Viv. Obviously, the only reason I've come is because I missed you so dearly," I replied sarcastically. 

"What was it this time?" she leaned back in her chair and raised an eyebrow at me. 

"Ms. Field called me a smart ass," I sat across from her. 

"I can only wonder why." 

I liked Mrs. Porter-James. She was nice. I had gotten to know her well enough to have a pleasant relationship thanks to wonderful teachers like Ms. Field that simply couldn't stand having me near. 

"Why don't you have dinner at my place tonight?" she asked. I shrugged in response. 

My parents were the Alpha and Luna of our pack, and with all the territory dispute in this area, they nearly always had their hands full in pack politics. Which meant that they were a tad neglectful in taking care of their only son. I was practically raised by Colby's dad, as his mom was usually off with my parents, being the Beta and all. 

Anyhow, partially-absentee parents meant that Mrs. Porter-James tended to see me as a charity case. She'd never admit it, and I'd never accuse her of thinking so lowly of me, but that was just how it was. She was a good cook though, and eating with her was less lonely than my boring house. 

It wasn't until I left her office that I realized it gave me another chance to see Sarah again. 

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