Chapter 24: How Criminal

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Jason's POV

Stalking is immoral. I know that. But is it stalking if it's unintentional? 

I have a good nose. I blame the wolf for being so sensitive to Theodore's scent. It lingered on the track field. I could pinpoint him easily in the cafeteria at every meal. 

I'd seem less of a creep if I merely approached him to say hi. But I couldn't ever do that. I lurked out of sight instead. 

I really did try not to be so conscious of him. At least then I wouldn't seem so odd. But it was hard not to. He was always just so blatant. 

And I had no idea how to approach him. I hoped it didn't seem cowardly of me to avoid him. But I was sure us avoiding each other was exactly what he wanted. 

Why else would he leave our room so early and return so late every day? 

I'd pretend to be asleep when he snuck out of bed every morning and quietly washed up and got dressed. I'd lie in bed facing the wall by the time he came back, tiredly stumbling along his nighttime routine before dropping asleep as soon as his head hit his pillow. 

Why did he strive so hard for such a busy schedule when it clearly exhausted the life out of him? Would he appreciate if I offered the bottom bunk, so he wouldn't have to exert any more force in climbing a ladder each night?

More importantly, why would I ever offer him my bed if it wasn't to sleep with me? Goddess, he was making me crazy without even having to try. 

But paying attention to his daily schedule and keeping an eye–and a nose–out for him without his knowledge wasn't the worst I could do. 

At least I didn't watch him while he slept. I didn't peep on him while he was changing or showering. I didn't rifle through his closet and snoop through his stuff. And I didn't jerk off to his scent. 

Goddess. That last one was almost hard not to do. I wanted him under me so badly. I wanted to know what he looked like dishevelled and flushed. I so desperately wanted him in my arms, crying out my name in pure ecstasy. 

How put off would he be by my fantasies? He was already terrified that I'd tear him to pieces, and I didn't want to imagine how much more scared he'd be if he learned that I wanted to ravage and devour him. 

I had taken to working out even harder to let off all this steam. By the third day, I had punched a hole straight through the punching bag, and Mrs. Johnson asked for a tête-à-tête. 

"Is anything bothering you, Jason?" She was normally loud and harsh, so it always felt foreign when she softened her voice. 

I shook my head. 

"I've noticed that you've seemed a lot more stressed out recently, and I understand that you use this gym to clear your head, but you need to be more considerate of the facilities. If you're having any trouble, I can schedule you an appointment with a counsellor." 

I shook my head again. 

She looked at me for a moment and then sighed. 

"You're a good kid, Jason." She clasped my shoulder and waited for me to look her in the eye and nod my understanding before continuing. 

"How about you take a rest for a while? Just until I replace the punching bag, okay?" 

It was merely a suggestion, but I knew she was leaving no room for argument. I nodded. Grabbed my stuff and left. 

Maybe rolling around in the dirt with Max would keep me busy and clear my head. Even if I got injured, Theodore could patch up my wounds again. Unfortunately, I didn't want to be anywhere near Max's ugly mug. 

The only thing I really wanted right now was Theodore. 

Tomorrow was Saturday. Would he spend the day roaming the school grounds? Would he stay in our room and study? Or was he rebellious enough to try to sneak off? 

Some students applied for leave on the weekends to see their families. I hoped Theodore hadn't. 

If he was staying, which I desperately hoped was the case, maybe I could ask him to hang out. Or to study together, because that just seemed more his vibe. 

Nothing would happen between us if I allowed him to continue avoiding me. I wouldn't let nothing happen. 

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