Chapter 29: Heart-shaped Bokeh

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Theodore's POV

Oh Goddess, smite me now. 

I constantly had to remind myself that Jason just wanted to be friends. He just wanted to study together, that was all. 

But Goddess, I nearly threw myself in his arms when he got me breakfast. I leaned in close while we were studying on purpose, just to smell his heavenly scent. I spent the whole time showing off my math skills, when he had only wanted a bit of help. 

And the littlest things he did made my mind run in circles. He'd hang onto my every word, listening oh so intently. He'd smile to himself–ever so slightly, the barest hint of his lips turning upwards–every time I told him he did well. He'd flutter his long eyelashes at me, so bashfully. And he quite literally jumped at the chance to get me something to eat. 

It was only because he was interested in learning that he listened so close. And he was proud of himself for getting the answer right that he smiled so adorably. And the sun in his eyes was why his manner of eye contact looked so coy and flirtatious. And he went to get breakfast and lunch because he needed an excuse to stretch his legs. Or maybe take a break from my overbearing presence. 

But whatever reason had him out of the room didn't matter. With him gone, I had a moment to myself to calm my wildly beating heart. 

I paced back and forth to try and clear my mind. Goddess, his scent was everywhere. 

I went to the bathroom and splashed some water in my face. My reflection showed flushed cheeks. Oh goodness, was I blushing the whole time? I dried my face off, and tried to will my blush to go down. 

I need to re-dye my hair sometime soon. My roots were just beginning to show. But first I'll have to figure out where I can get the materials to do that. I couldn't even search it up on my phone to find a barber shop nearby campus or a store that sold everything I needed to dye it myself. 

Our room door opened, and Jason walked in with a paper bag in hand. 

I leaned against the bathroom door frame. 

"Do you still have my phone with you?" I asked, trying to sound as non-accusatory as I could. 

"Cellular devices aren't allowed in the dorms. I handed it in to the office under your name so you wouldn't be reprimanded," he replied slowly, setting down the food. He kept his head down, almost as if he expected me to get upset with him. 

Honestly, I was thankful he did that. I totally forgot about the no-phone policy. But I wasn't going to thank him outright; he could've told me sooner. Or he could've just not stolen my phone in the first place and merely reminded me that I shouldn't have one. 

"What's for lunch?" I pushed off the wall and walked by him to grab the paper bag. 

"Grilled cheese sandwiches," he answered. "You aren't angry?" he asked after some time. His voice was so small that it almost made me giggle. It would've been rude to laugh, but he sounded so adorable. 

"Not anymore. Is there anything to drink?" I changed the subject again. He looked at me for a moment, before pulling out some juice boxes. 

He opened one and then handed it to me. What a gentleman! I offered a quiet 'thanks' as I took it from him, and tried not to focus on our fingers brushing against each other. 

I turned my attention to the food instead, and took a large mouthful. When I first showed up here, I expected the food to taste bland and awful, but it honestly wasn't half bad. 

"You've got some crumbs here," he gestured to the corner of his lip. Crap. I wiped it off with the back of my hand. 

"No, you missed it, right there," he gestured again, and I tried to follow his exact instructions but he kept shaking his head. 

And then he leaned in real close. He held my chin in place as his thumb brushed over my lips. 

Goddess. I could feel my cheeks heating. 

He didn't remove his hand. I had no idea where to look, but somehow my eyes found his. 

This was the second time today that this happened. And yet I couldn't bring myself to look away. And all too quickly, the moment ended. He slowly pulled his hand away and wiped his thumb on a napkin. 

Why did a part of me want him to have licked that crumb off his finger? 

For all I know, he didn't think there was anything between us, and I was the one making mountains out of molehills. If I wanted anything to come out of this silly crush, I was first going to have to make sure he liked me too. 

And that meant I had to woo him. (Aka seduce him.) To do that, I needed to learn more about him. 

"Let's hang out again tomorrow," I piped up, and his eyes snapped to mine. 

I almost felt bad for catching him off guard, but when he nodded in reply, I could only internally cheer. 

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