Chapter 28: Breakfast Bagels

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Jason's POV

Saturday morning, I was awake far earlier than usual. I laid in bed, listening to Theodore's soft snores above me. 

We were just studying together. There was no reason for me to be so eager. 

But no matter what I tried to tell myself, I couldn't stop my wolf from getting antsy. I got up from bed and headed to the bathroom. 

Should I run a lap around the track field before Theodore woke up? I just needed to let out some energy. But what if he woke up while I was out and decided to leave our room? No. I couldn't let that happen. 

I washed up, and got dressed. The cafeteria was open all day long on the weekends, unlike during the weekdays where it was only open at meal times. It wasn't that far from our room, so if I left now, I could grab Theodore breakfast before he woke up. 

I quietly tiptoed over to our bedside. I was tall enough that the top bunk was just at my eye line. I gazed at his sleep-softened features for a moment. Theodore was so beautiful. 

Luckily, he still seemed fast asleep. I was almost tempted to place a kiss on his forehead, but I wanted him to be awake the first time I put my lips on him. 

I left as quietly as possible, and speed-walked down to the cafeteria. I grabbed a few bagels in a paper bag for the both of us, and sprinted back. I stopped at our door to catch my breath before opening it as quietly as I could. 

I carefully placed his bagel on the table as I munched on mine. 

I sat down at the study desk, but leaned back so I could watch him. The last time I had seen him sleep, he was curled up on the floor and I thought he was one of Max's goons. I thought he looked cute then, but now I was sure of it. Theodore was the most adorable person I had ever seen in my whole life. 

He stirred lightly, and I immediately turned to my workbooks. I attempted to look nonchalant, as if I had only been studying since I woke up. 

"You're up already?" he asked, and I looked up at him, tiredly rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. I nodded. 

He slowly climbed out of bed, and the tiniest part of me wished he would fall again, just so I could catch him and have him in my arms. He made it down safely, both fortunately and unfortunately. 

He grabbed his clothes and headed into the bathroom to get dressed. I waited patiently on him to finish. 

When he finally exited, he grabbed his notebooks and sat down at the study desk beside mine, nearer to the bed. 

"Breakfast," I pointed to the paper bag. He tilted his head at me before opening it up and peering inside. 

"For me?" he asked, smiling down at the bagel. I nodded again. His grin widened as he looked up at me. Oh Goddess, he was beautiful. Oh Goddess, I wanted to kiss him. 

I looked away. 

"You want a silent study session, or should we help each other out with homework?" he asked, before taking a bite of his bagel. I didn't think this far ahead. 

"However you prefer," I answered, after staring at him for far too long. 

Thankfully, he didn't seem all that weirded out by that awkward pause, merely patiently waited on my response. 

"Need any help with math? That's my strongest subject," he offered. 

I nodded, and flipped to a random page. I didn't need help, but I wouldn't admit that. 

He explained in detail, asking me questions to make sure I understood. And that glorious grin he'd get when I answered correctly was enough to light my heart aflame. 

I asked him to clarify even the most basic sums, just to spend a moment longer listening to him. Sunlight from our small window illuminated his gorgeous face, his eyes sparkling. 

I wanted to kiss him so bad. 

Silence fell between us as we simply watched each other. He didn't seem the tiniest bit afraid. I couldn't stop myself from glancing down at his lips. They were so close. He swallowed. 

His pencil fell off the table and rolled underneath the bed. 

"Sorry," he swallowed again, and stood up, "let me just grab that." He wiped his hands on his pants before turning around and getting down on all fours. Goddess. 

He leaned further down and swiped his hand underneath the bed. I shouldn't be staring. I really shouldn't be watching his rear end so entranced. I couldn't help it. 

Forget about kissing, I wanted my hands on his butt instead. Actually, maybe I wanted to kiss there too. 

Finally, he got up. I stood up as soon as he sat back down. 

"I'll get us lunch." I could hardly look at him. I needed to calm down, before my wolf made me jump him. 

"Oh, you don't have to, you've already gotten breakfast," he said, getting up too. I shook my head. 

"No, I want to." I didn't wait to hear his reply. In two steps, I was out of there, locking the door behind me. I let out a shaky breath. 

I had no idea how I was going to last until Monday morning. 

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