Chapter 18: It's not called Puppy Love if I'm a Wolf

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Jason's POV:

I couldn't remember the last time I had slept so peacefully. I should blame it on being touch-starved. I really shouldn't be thinking about how nice it was to wake up with him in my arms. 

Him. Theodore. 

I liked how he smelled. I didn't want to punch him. I wanted him in my bed more often. 

I could only think of one reason why. 

I liked him. I had feelings for Theodore. 

But that was the easy part. Why him? I didn't have anything against the fact that he was a boy. It was just that I had never really felt so interested in anyone in particular prior to him. 

What made him so special? 

Was it the soft, dyed hair? The impossibly long eyelashes or the quirk of his plump lips? The little beauty mark under his right eye that you could only see if you were really up close and personal? Was it how he looked both deliciously effeminate and adorably masculine at the same time? 

And that was hardly the issue here. What was I supposed to do about this silly little crush? 

He was obviously outright terrified of me. He could hardly look me in the eye. He squirmed in fear the moment I looked at him. 

Should I pursue anything? We were roommates. I have all sorts of opportunities to test the waters. But if things didn't work out, I'd be stuck with him in this tiny space for the rest of the school year. 

I tried to focus on my work in class, but I didn't quite get much done. I didn't even bother to go to the track field when the last bell rang. I wasn't sore from all of that running yesterday–thanks to werewolf stamina–but I just wanted to be in my room again. 

But not because I missed his scent. Obviously not. I just wanted to rest, that's all. 

When I found a note taped to my door, I scowled, extending my claws before shoving my hands into my pockets. It only read 'Wolf.' but I knew what it meant. 

Max did this every so often when he wanted to beef it out. Sometimes I'd ignore it. Sometimes I'd show up and knock his lights out. It depended on my mood. 

But there was a lot on my mind and I really needed to let loose. Even though Theodore's appearance had nothing to do with Max, I still felt like roughing Max up a bit. 

Theodore would likely become a target of his. He'd surely attempt to recruit Theodore to do his naughty little work, overjoyed that he now had an easy way into my room and personal life. And if he somehow found out that I liked Theodore, then he might even try to harm Theodore to get at me. 

Either way, Max put me on edge. And the best way to take care of my nerves was to go to the source. 

Max was waiting near the outskirts of the school grounds, near the broken fence by the North wing. This place was infamous for trouble. The fence had a gap just large enough for the smallest students here to fit through, but making a run for it wasn't the point. Rather, this was one of the few places that were obscured from the administrator's quarters, so kids would come out here to let off steam. 

Max was nearly always here. And when he wanted his ass kicked, I'd get an invite. 

He smirked as he saw me approach. I didn't say a word. He threw the first punch, and I dodged. His lackeys surrounded us, but no one cheered for fear that the noise would alert authorities. 

He was angry today, and his moves were impulsive and uncoordinated. I didn't care to find out why. He hit, and I hit back harder. 

The fight was over in minutes. We were both strong shifters, and we could've gone on for far longer. We usually did. But we were both distracted today. 

I took him out easily and left him behind in the dirt. But he did manage to get a few punches in. 

My lip stung from where he landed a hard one. The walk back to my room was long and quiet. 

Theodore's scent was stale. He hadn't yet returned. I wasn't disappointed. Of course not. Not at all. 

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