Chapter 14: Caught in a Hamster Wheel

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Jason's POV:

The school day was fortunately quiet and uneventful. But I could still feel myself getting stressed out. Probably because of that kid. 

Anyhow, I figured he'd head right back to our room, scratch that, my room, as soon as classes ended. A part of me wanted still wanted to beat him up, but that would only bring me trouble. 

I hardly spent much time in my room anyways. All I really did was sleep there. 

I spent most of my time in the institute's gym, or on the track field. 

The facilities were always open, but certain places had club meetings at certain times. I avoided those places then. 

The track field had their meetings in the morning, so I only went there in the afternoon. The gym club had their meetings in the afternoon, and during then, I was on the field. 

But today, I didn't care for any stupid clubs. 

I was going to have a go at the punching bag until my fists went numb. 

Sometimes I pictured Max's face when I did this. Most times it was any random person that bothered me in the slightest. 

I wanted to picture my roommate. But when I swung, I couldn't help but falter. My fist missed the punching bag on purpose. 

I ripped off my wrap gloves and left. 

I didn't care to punch anything. Rather, I simply wanted to exhaust myself so much until I could no longer think.

I jogged to the track field and did some quick stretches. And then I immediately took off sprinting. 

Round and round the track, I ran until my heart hammered in my chest. I needed to empty my head. 

There was hardly anyone around, but I would look like a maniac to any onlookers with how fast I was running. I was faster than the average human, but in my wolf form, I could reach even higher speeds. 

I didn't need to go any faster though. I just wanted to run until my vision blurred and my legs collapsed. 

I ran until the sky darkened. 

Rather than slowing to a stop, I threw myself to the ground. I was almost wheezing. This was good. 

My shirt was soaked through with sweat, and my limbs were trembling with strain. I laid down on my back, catching my breath as the stars twinkled above. 

If the night guards came around and found me here, I'd get in trouble. 

I stood up slowly, brushed myself off. Walking straight was difficult, so I stumbled along. I barely had enough energy to climb all the freaking stairs. 

I could feel the adrenaline leave my body in the long walk back to my room, and by the time I reached my door, I leaned my forehead against it for a moment. 

My roommate's scent was still strong. It still smelled as weird as it did yesterday, but something about it was almost addicting. 

I needed a shower. I didn't have the energy for a shower. I could take one tomorrow morning. 

I opened the door, finally. My roommate was already inside. 

Sleeping on my bed. My bed. 

A highly territorial alpha like myself would never allow such a disregard for boundaries. 

I was too tired to care. 

I stripped out of my damp, sweaty clothes. I left my briefs on, though. 

He'd be an idiot if he thought I'd let him just take my bed without a fight. 

Maybe I was an idiot for not even wanting to fight over this. I crawled into my bed and laid down beside him. 

I'd blame the cold draft on my damp, exposed skin for pulling him closer to me. I'd blame his intriguing scent for burying my nose into his soft hair. 

I'd blame anything come morning for my weird behaviour. But that was an issue for tomorrow. 

And for now, I knew I'd sleep well. 

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