Chapter 25: Lukewarm and Much Too Sweet

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Ryder's POV

Annie was looking at me with a weird glint in her eyes. I tried to ignore whatever it was she was trying to insinuate. She had been doing this all week. Ever since that day I spent studying at Sarah's house. 

It wasn't like anything happened then. We merely studied at bit, and that was all. Her dad had been adamant on getting me to come over more often, and I didn't protest much, because it really was fun hanging out with Sarah. Even if all we did was study with her little sister hanging around. 

"So Ryder-babe," Annie grinned, "you coming to the arcade with us this weekend?" 

I took a drag from my cigarette. School had just ended and I was leaning against my pickup truck, waiting on the parking lot to clear up a bit before I took off. I shrugged at her, after a moment. 

"Sarah'll be there," she wiggled her shoulders suggestively. 

"So?" I asked, trying to act disinterested. Whenever Annie did anything suggestively, it meant trouble. Colby was busy talking to some teacher and I really hoped he could hurry up and finish with that and take Annie away from me. 

Unfortunately, she could tell I wasn't totally not interested in the fact that Sarah was going to the arcade with her. What games did she like to play? How competitive was she?

"Saturday at 2:00p.m." she stole the cigarette out of my hand and took one long drag before handing it back to me. I rolled my eyes at her before dropping it and crushing it with my shoe. 

She giggled, before walking towards Colby's truck since he was just exiting the building. 

I had offered to be Sarah's ride home a couple days ago, but she had refused since she was already getting rides from Mrs. Viv. 

Lately, most of my after-school time had been spent hanging out with Colby, Annie, and Sarah. Before Sarah came along, I either third-wheeled Colby and Annie or hang out with my pack mates. Since the lovebirds seemed to want to do their own thing today, and Sarah would be staying behind until Mrs. Viv finished from school, I figured I ought to show my face around the pack instead. 

I drove downtown to the usual spot they hung around at, near the old corner store. A few of them were already loitering about, having skipped school to do nothing instead. 

The werewolves in this town belonged to many small packs, and territory disputes were often. Usually, the adults handled it in a civilized manner. The teenagers and kids were a lot rowdier though, and usually handled it through light brawls. 

When my pack mates weren't getting into scuffles, they were simply standing around. Really, we didn't do much other than let time pass us by. 

But doing nothing together was less lonely than doing nothing at our respective homes. 

Someone bought a few soft drinks from the corner store and I cracked open a red one. It was lukewarm and much too sweet but I couldn't care less. I watched as someone else stacked up a few bottles and tried to knock them over with a slingshot. He missed. 

It was mindless fun, but we hooted and laughed all the same. When he finally aimed right, the glass bottles shattered, spraying enough people with sticky soft drinks. They playfully ganged up on him and roughed him up. 

Though it was autumn, the warm sun still shone brightly. I had no worries in the world. 

I wish Sarah was here. She'd get along well with everyone, as chatty and cheery as she was. 

All day, every day I wished she was around. She was new and interesting and I was so curious. I'd grow bored of her someday. It just wasn't that often that someone new came to town and happened to insert themself into my life the way Sarah did. I was only curious, nothing more. 

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