Chapter 7: Is it Trespassing if the Perpetrator is Cute as Hell?

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Jason Ferox's POV:

I didn't have to open my door to know someone had been in there. The scent was strong in the hallway, they had likely just left. 

It was a weird scent that had my wolf twitching. They likely tried to mask their scent with something so that it'd be harder to sniff them out later on. 

Max's goons were getting bolder by the day. 

I didn't care. It was late and I was tired. I just wanted a hot shower so I could pass out on my bed. 

My nose scrunched up as I neared my room. The scent was only growing stronger. Were they still inside? 

What an idiot. I'm going to mess them up so bad they never think of coming near this floor again. 

I opened the door as silently as possible with a glowering sneer, expecting to see my room in disarray. The bathroom door was closed, but that was nearly everything that was out of order. 

Nearly everything. A tiny boy sat curled up in a fetal position by the end of the bed. Lilac hair; weird.  

Resting. Even breaths rising and falling from his chest. Undisturbed. Almost angelic. 


I locked the door behind me. I'm going to make him regret ever being born. How dare he come to my room and sleep? He had a death wish, surely. 

I stalked closer to him, extending my claws, and let out a low, snarling growl. 

He almost looked kind of cute. His eyebrows drew together as he blinked awake. 

As soon as he noticed me, his eyes snapped open wide. Delicious fear. That was better. 

"You have some nerve," I sneered. His mouth opened and he stuttered something in reply, but he was too scared to to make any coherent sense. 

I grabbed him by his collar and lifted him to his feet. He was light, I hardly needed one hand. 

The tinny shrill of a phone ringing interrupted us. His eyes snapped to the empty closet. Were there two? I didn't smell any more scents. 

Dragging him with me, I ripped open the closet door. 

Two fresh new sets of uniforms were hung up, but there was no one else. New uniforms? I was sure this closet was empty up until yesterday. 

The boy reached out to some suitcases and opened up a zipped pocket. He was shaking like a leaf in my hands. Administration didn't allow personal phones, so he absolutely had to pull some strings to get this. 

Max sure did have some tricks up his sleeve. And he was cocky as hell, letting his underlings have their own devices like this. 

The name on the caller ID was Sarah, and I loosened my grip on him. 

"Answer it." I ordered. Sarah was likely a code name, and I wasn't going to pass up the opportunity to find out who this idiot was. 

He nodded shakily, and his trembling fingers fumbled to press the right buttons. He held it up to his ear, but I didn't need it to be on speaker for me to clearly hear the other person. 

He cleared his throat before letting out a whimpering "Hey Sarah. What's up?"

"I'm bored," a female voice answered. I frowned. That didn't make much sense. "This stupid hospital has such a long waiting list." He frowned as well. 

"What are you doing in a hospital?" he asked, concern lacing his words. 

"I fell out of a tree and broke a few fingers. I think I might've fractured my wrist, too." She continued prattling on, but I had heard enough by now. 

"Hang up." I commanded, just barely over a whisper so that Sarah wouldn't hear. He offered a hasty goodbye before doing so. I grabbed the phone out of his hand and shoved it into my back pocket. He gulped shakily, but didn't protest. 

What a weakling. So submissive. Max was an idiot for picking someone like this to work for him. 

"This is my room," he whimpered, ducking his head down. 

"Prove it." I glared. He reached down into his pocket, and I raised my free hand, with my sharp claws glistening so that he knew not to pull any funny tricks. A shiver racked through his slim body as he pulled out a key. 

It was identical to my own key, with the same room numbers on it. I took it out of his hand and inspected it closer. It was, without a doubt, a key to this room. It looked exactly like the ones given out by the administrative sticklers, which they kept very safely tucked away in the head's office. There's no way Max got this on his own. 

I slipped the key into my pocket with his phone. 

"Hey!" he cried out, finally protesting, "that's mine!" 

"Not anymore." I replied, opening the door, and tossing his light body out of it. He crashed into the wall opposite. 

I shut the door back and locked it. 

He banged on it with tiny fists, but I ignored it and headed into the bathroom. 

"Open up! This is my room! You can't do this!" 

If he gives me a headache with all the screaming, I'll bash his head in. 

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