Chapter 9: Working Out Relieves Stress, so does Staring at Someone

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Jason's POV: 

The kid was still beating on the door by the time I was ready to sleep. It was less frantic now, but I could still hear him whimpering, begging to be let in. 

The rhythmic thumps against the door were tired and weak, but I wasn't going to open the door any time soon. He's going to have to find somewhere else to stay. 

I haven't had a roommate since I moved in, and I wasn't going to let anyone disturb my peace. 

My wolf was more agitated than normal, but the kid's scent was still lingering in my room and I hated that my territory had been invaded. 

I was an extremely dominant alpha, and my wolf instincts were strong. That's why I was here. I needed to be tamed. This place wasn't so bad, the facilities were actually pretty good for shifters, but the inner hierarchy was a problem. 

It was an eye for an eye, tooth for tooth world. Laws of the jungle. The weak were hunted. 

The kid outside my door was too weak. He wasn't going to last a moment. His pretty face wouldn't take him anywhere. Some people here were disgustingly manipulative, and I didn't want that type of energy near me. 

If I let him be my roommate, he'd only bring me bad news. 

I already had to keep my eye on Max. The lion shifter who felt entitled to being the strongest, most dominant shifter here. He was always trying to break me. 

And having some weakling as a roommate opened up a pretty big space for Max to get into my life. 

I hardly ended up getting any sleep. The boy kept at it all night long, though by dawn it had mostly faded to faint knocking. His scent permeated my room and I hated the foreignness in my territory. And with thoughts of Max and this kid's pretty scared eyes, I tossed and turned all night. 

I was irritated when I took a quick shower, too cold for my liking. I was irked when I shaved my face and the razor nicked my chin. I was grouchy when I put my uniform on and the fabric felt itchy on my skin. 

And I was supposed to be pissed off when I opened my door and that boy fell to my feet. 

But I wasn't. 

I watched him tiredly rub his eyes before flinching when he noticed my feet before him. As his head rose upwards taking in my full sight, he trembled, jerkily shuffling out of my way. 

His light purple hair was ruffled in every which way. His cheeks were tear-stained. His eyes were puffy from crying. 

I liked when people feared me. I liked when they cowered in my presence. I loved when they showed submission. 

I didn't like when this boy kept his gaze down. I didn't like when he kept as much space between us as possible. 

His key was still in my pocket. Wordlessly, I dropped it on the floor in front of him. He flinched as it hit the ground, eyes snapping up to mine for a mere second before his shaking hands reached for it. 

I didn't bother closing the door as I left. 

He didn't move until I made it to the end of the hallway. He didn't notice me watch him scramble in and shut the door behind him. 

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