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Lydia turned to Stiles, "We probably won't see each other again, will we?" it was sad, really. Lydia was never really big on making friends with people who she wasn't going to stay with, which is exactly what she'd done.

Stiles dug his hands into the wet sand as he squinted in the sun, "We'll keep in touch, Lyd."

"Yeah, we better stay in touch or I'm gonna kick your ass." Lydia said threateningly, flicking a bit of sand at him.


Lydia sighed and folded another top, shoving it in her bag with the rest of her clothes. If she had brought anymore her bag probably wouldn't have zipped up.

What was she going to do about Stiles? She felt as though he was one of her closest friends, even though she'd only known him for a couple of weeks. Maybe it was just the fact that she'd never really had a real friend.

Except of course, Malia. She hadn't seen Malia since she left home. Since her mother died.

Ever since that night, her father had been taking her all over the country side, school after school after school, almost as if he could escape the truth somehow. He only made it worse. She hadn't stayed at the same place for more than half a year; her dad kept using the excuse of 'it just doesn't feel right'.

Lydia didn't even know what school she was going to attend, or where they were even moving to. It was always temporary so what's the point?

Being the new girl was hard, but after two years, you kind of get the handle of it.

She wasn't really worried at all; she would probably end up moving before she can say 'hi I'm Lydia Martin'. All she knew was to get through her work and not get attached to too many people.

"Lydia! Stiles is here to see you before we leave." her dad called.

She walked out of the tent with her bag in hand, straight up to the brown-eyed boy, "Hey."

"Hi." he tucked his hands in his pockets awkwardly, "Kinda sad that you're leaving, but we'll keep in touch, yeah?" he ran a hand through his perfect hair and looked down at her warmly.

She patted his shoulder, "Trust me, you'll probably see me soon," she lowered her voice, "My dad literally doesn't stop moving."

"I heard that!" Lydia's dad called from the boot of the car.

Stiles just chuckled, "I'll see you later." he said before turning on his heel.

She offered a half hearted smile, "Of course." She let out a sigh before chucking her bag in the boot, knowing full well that she probably wasn't going to see him again.


"Hey, dad? Have you seen my laptop?" Lydia called, dumping her duffel on the bed, rummaging through it.

"It's still in the car I think!" her dad replied.

She stopped what she was doing and headed down the long flight of stairs towards the black Mercedes that was her fathers car. She pulled her sleeve up so it was covering her hand before opening the door, to make sure the car didn't get dirty.

After grabbing the mac book and her pillow she headed to her room once again, wallowing  in the expansiveness of her new home.

She didn't mind her room, nothing could compare to back home. This room was at the top of the house, kind of like 'the highest room in the tallest tower'. It had a large window that gave an amazing view on the rest of the court.

The house itself was huge. There was a pool in the backyard and in the house there were unnecessary rooms; a gaming room, a theatre room and even a little room to work out in. Sure, it was great that they had these rooms but it's not like it's mandatory. There were five bedrooms and three bathrooms. Four if you count the ensuite in the master bedroom.

She couldn't even remember what suburb she was in. Her and her father had been on a little drive around the small town and it seemed like a nice enough place. Lydia felt as though as soon as she crossed the border there was a sudden pull; something attracting her there. She felt like this is where she was meant to be.

"Hey, dad?"

"Yes, honey?" her dad's voice echoed across the walls.

"Where are we again?" She should probably find out where she would be living

"Beacon Hills."

The name didn't really suit the town; Beacon Hills sounded like a place that would attract trouble, but from what she'd seen, it was so small and quiet that she doubted anything remotely interesting had happened here in the past few decades.


Lydia was at the new desk that had just arrived with the rest of the furniture, scrolling through numerous cat videos and out dated memes from 2012.

New message from: Malia Tate
Hey. How was the ride?

Lydia Martin
Wasn't bad, but you know how car rides are.

Malia Tate
Well I will soon.

Lydia Martin
What do you mean?

Malia Tate
We're moving.

Lydia Martin
Where to?

Malia Tate
Beacon Hills

Lydia Martin
Are you serious?

Malia Tate
Yeah, I am not prepared to make new friends, that's for sure.

Lydia Martin
You won't need to.

Malia Tate
And why is that?

Lydia Martin
Because I moved to Beacon Hills as well.

Malia Tate
You've got to be kidding me.

Lydia Martin

Malia Tate
I'll see you for the first time in two years.

Lydia Martin
It'll be great. When are you moving?

Malia Tate
In a month

Lydia Martin
Fantastic. Listen, I gotta go. Dinner.

Lydia quickly exited out and shut the lid to her laptop. Malia was coming to Beacon Hills. Her only friend was coming to Beacon Hills. But, Lydia couldn't help but feel the heaviness in her stomach at the thought of Malia arriving.

Malia was a great friend, but she had the tendency to be pushy. And she was always trying to get the guys. That and the fact that she was a werecoyote.

Lydia had found out that Malia was a werecoyote a couple of months after they met; Lydia had noticed that Malia's once brown eyes had turned a fiery blue and confronted her about it. Malia turned her down but Lydia knew what she was saying wasn't true. Malia eventually caved and told Lydia. Though, it's not like she wasn't going to tell Lydia eventually, she just preferred that it didn't happen that soon into their friendship.

At first, Lydia thought she was crazy for not ditching Malia, but they figured out they could help each other when they needed it most. It actually brought them closer together.

Lydia helped Malia on full moons and Malia was the only person who comforted Lydia during the time that her mum died, before she moved schools a month later and didn't stop moving.

Shaking her head to get rid of her thoughts, she quickly headed downstairs to eat.



this is my first fanfiction, got a lot more reads than i was expecting it to???

i started writing this in 2014, so i'm going through to edit out any mistakes and make the entire book less cringey and make it sound like it wasn't written by a lame 13 year old

which it was



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