Chapter two

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"Fuck no you're not!" I literally spit at her, accidentally though. "That's no way to speak to your mother" she spits back. I stand back and cross my arms, a slight smirk forming on my lips "your right, too bad you're not my mother" i answer back. I watch as a tear slides down her face "Aurora!" My dad shouts, "why are you even taking her back dad! Do you not realize what pain she put you through!"

I have my point, but with this family i know I'm not going to get anywhere. "Yes, everyone makes mistakes, right?" He says frowning. "Yeah, it was a mistake you two meeting, then I wouldn't be here today." I used to love my mum, she was honestly the best person. I caught her cheating once, I was younger, I think 13-14 maybe. But because I loved her I kept it a secret only if she promised that that was it. But out of luck i caught her again, and again, and a few more times, I gave up.

I had to tell dad, I couldn't hide it from him. He was so innocent, thinking that nothing was going on but really plenty was. He was shattered when I told him, at first he didn't believe it. My love for my mum drifted away, I was absolutely disgusted in her and her actions. She admitted it to my dad and wanted a divorce, not long after she was with that guy that she was cheating on my dad with.

The day I told my dad, was the first of many times I've seen him cry.

"Aurora, how could you?" My dad says "shouldn't you be saying that to her? You know the one that cheated on you, I had never seen you cry until then! This is pathetic honestly, I don't know why I'm trying. I love you, dad" i say while grabbing my jumper "but I hate you, mum." I turn around and reach for the door, i take one last glance at my 'parents' and leave, watching as a tear drops from my dads face, only making me well up with tears.

I start walking, I have no idea where I am heading, but all I know is it's away from here. I grab my phone out and text Luke.

Me: I miss you more then you know, my life has been hell ever since you left, and right now is the time I need you most. Everything hurts Luke.

I know that I'm not going to get a message back within him, but I need him here. I need someone, Kayleigh and Zoe are amazing and all, but I need someone else. And that's when I decided to make my way towards Matt's house. The piece of shit that my mum slept with to cheat on my dad.
I arrived and knocked on the front door to see a tall man appear in front of me moments later. "Hey I know you, Aurora Wembileigh" he smirks "and I know you, a bastard that my mum slept with to cheat on my dad." I spit at him "aww, tough girl aren't you" "tougher than you'll ever know. You wrecked my life just so you know, if only you kept your dick in your pants, then maybe I'd have a happy life-" but before I could say anything else he grabbed my chin "maybe if your slut of a mother kept her legs shut, nothing would of happened, love."

Him calling me love made me cringe, I grabbed him by the wrist and tightened my grip, "she isn't my mother anymore, go fuck yourself" i say before stomping off. I'm literally done with people.

I message Zoe, considering i don't have a clue to what I'm going to do.

Me: i don't have anywhere to go.

I start to cry a little, what'd i ever do for me to be treated like this. If only I had another sibling, someone i could go through this with, someone that understands my pain.

Zoe: what's going on?? :(

Me: I left Zoe, that's what's happening, I literally have no where. I need help.

I get an almost instant reply.

Zoe: Come to mine, mum will understand.

Without hesitation i instantly head towards her house. She barely knows what I go through, I usually go to Luke for this stuff, but he's no longer around.

Luke's P.O.V

It's hard not to reply, I can't message her though. It's just something I can't do. I don't know what's happening right now and that's killing me. I wish she wouldn't of sent me that text. It's hard enough to try and forget her. I couldn't stop thinking about what I thought I seen come from her mouth at the airport. It's been a week and a bit since but I still miss her.

I never realized how attached someone can be to someone else, I missed going to school to be with her and the boys, all our friendships put together were great, but mine and her's was always the little bit closer.

I re-read over that one simple message over and over again, just knowing I can not reply. Yet I start typing.

Then i stop, and backspace the message. I throw my phone across my bed and try sleep, it's the only thing that'll help me.

Aurora's P.O.V

I told Zoe everything that happened, it was the only option i really had. I watched as my phone was bombarded with text messages from my dad, which only made me break down. How could he do that to me? How could he do that to himself? I guess he really did love her enough to take her back.

I hate her, I hate her that much I'm actually sad that she's my mother. With all the pain I'm going through, I go to the bathroom and close the door, stuff falls from the shelves. I painfully look for the pills. The pills that'd end everything.

I couldn't find them anywhere, I start snobbing, muffled words coming out. I just want everything to be over, I don't want to go through this anymore. I want Luke. I want a normal life all so. But there's no such thing as normal, right?

"What are you doing!?" Zoe's words break my thoughts. I look around to see stuff scattered around "well, do you want to know the truth?" I ask, I feel as if I'm drunk right now. "Yes?" She almost questions "well I tried to kill myself" i watch as the colour drains from he face. I watch as she cuffed my mouth with her hands "please tell me you're lying!" She shouts, tears trailing down her cheeks. Yet I keep my calm, "I can't tell you that." I watch her break down in front of me, more pain.
I've stayed with Zoe the pasted week and things are actually starting to get better, "trust me, I'm getting better" i say while smiling towards her way "you really hurt me that day" she mentions. I feel pretty pathetic that i did that but everyone makes mistakes right? I haven't spoken to my dad but he has sent a bunch of messages, Luke still hasn't replied, yet he won't.

I get a message from an unknown number, which says.

Unknown: I would of stopped you.

The message startled me a tad, of course i didn't know what it was about, and I wasn't going to question it. So I left it. My main focus right now is to keep a smile of my face. Zoe and Kayleigh have been helping me with that, we've definitely been getting closer and that's a plus.

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