Chapter fourteen

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It was dreadful.

I felt like my whole world just turned upside down, and all I wanted was to be there in Luke's arms. I wanted to be cuddled and loved by him, I miss him. It felt like he had torn my body open slowly and it felt like pure torture, it was like he reached in and grabbed my heart and ripped it out then threw it at a wall and stepped on it.

That's what it felt like as soon as the doctors had ran it.

Myself and Ashton got pushed out of the room, I was completely torn. There was no tears left in my system, so when I walked out there, Ashton was crying and I had a blank expression on my face.

I had to get out of there, I needed fresh air badly. I followed a staircase to a balcony of the hospital building, I didn't know what was going on in my head. I had no control over my body.

Once I had reached the balcony I climbed over the side (where the brick wall type thing was) and just sat there. The whole night kept reliving in my memories.

That's when I found my tears. I don't think I've broken down so much in my life and it was terrible, he's dead! Or that's what I know.
Turns out Luke was clinically dead for a total of three minutes. He had been shocked back to life thankfully. God bless doctors.

After knowing that Luke really made it for the second time in the past 24 hours was honestly the best thing to hear about in my life.

It's been a week since both incidents and I haven't seen Luke since the doctors came rushing in on that awful night, I really hate the way that I'm dealing with the pain lately, I miss my dad so much. It's been way too long since I've seen him nor it's been too long since I've heard his voice.

I need to be with him, him to tell me that everything is alright and that it gets better.

Then my thoughts were interrupted by a knock at the door. I got up off the couch and made my way to the front door. Only to be accompanied by the one and only, Luke Hemmings.

"H-hi" I stuttered out, just being able to see him once again, looking right through his beautiful bright ocean blue eyes. His smile widened only for me to be greeted by his cute big dimples that I'd love to swim in, well if that was even possible. God I loved this boy.

"Aurora" he says while leading me inside and taking a seat down on the couch next to Montana. He started patting her softly only for her to start purring to his touch.

"Oh Luke." I mumble, I let out a small whimper only for my lower lip to start trembling and my eyes to start welling up with tears. "Aurora? Don't cry please" he said while getting up and cupping my face with both of his large hands and wiping away my tears.

"I can't take in everything that's happened, I just want to be with you, and only you." I let out, I couldn't give one less care in the world anymore, I loved this boy and it was alright now for my feelings to be let out. "Let us make that happen then, just you and me" he answers after a moment. I briefly smile from his remark.

"Luke Robert Hemmings I am deeply in love with you."

And with those words, his lips crashed into my own and we both fell to the couch, Montana leaped up and jumped off without hesitation but all I cared about right at that moment was Luke.

Our lips moved in sync and it was beautiful, I couldn't ask for a better moment then right then.

He pulled away and panted "and I to love you Aurora Grace Wembleigh, till death do us apart." His words hit my heart hard and it only repeated in my head over and over again. I pushed my head up to reattach out lips back together because that was only what I wanted at that moment.

Considering he was on top of me he pulled away once again, only for me to whimper for more. He flipped us around and gave me a quick peck on the cheek. "We should watch a movie" he mentions just before I grab the remote.

I turn on mean girls because well to be honest I had no clue, it was a favourite of his and I thought it'd just be a good moment. Now that I was on top I laid my bed against his chest while he played with my hair, twisting it around his fingers and massaging the back of my head.

I started to trace figure eights onto his firm chest, while watching the television screen. This moment right now was perfect.

"Hey Luke?" I ask, "mhm?" "Do you reckon it was as if fate brought us back together?" I asked. We were both silent for a bit, well apart from the Tele of course but that really didn't matter.

"Yeah, well, we left and your music brought us back together so yes I'd say that" he answers which only makes me smile widely.
Once it was getting toward the ending of the movie I looked up to Luke to see that he was full on staring at me. "What?" I ask. He slightly smirked "you're so beautiful."

My face flushed and all I could feel was the heat rushing to my cheeks. All I really wanted was it to stop and for him to stop being fucking cute. "Luke" I say before laying my head back into his chest.
Once it had reached the end of the movie I looked up only to see Luke had fallen asleep under me while his arms were wrapped around my waist, this was honestly the best. I buried my head into the crock of his neck and tried to drift off into deep sleep only for something to disturb me.

"I love you so fucking much Aurora Grace, you will never know. All I want is you to be mine, and now everything is falling into place."

It was like a silent whisper, I didn't make any movement for him to realise that I was awake, I didn't want him to know.

But his words did make me think, I wanted him to be mine also.

He lightly kissed me on the forehead only for me to mumble out his name. "You're awake?" He asks "am now" I mumble "go to sleep beautiful" he answers. "I love you Luke."

That was all I remembered until I fell into a deep sleep above Luke's body, it was perfect and beautiful. This is how I wanted to sleep every night of my life.

I want to be with him for the rest of my life.

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