Chapter thirteen

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Oh here we go.

She then smiled and made her way over towards me. "Oh my gosh! Aurora, you're alive!" She cuffed her mouth with her own hands.

"Oh Melody, don't play this game with me." I snap, I turn my head to see all three boys watching us to see what will happen next. "What are you talking about?" She asks as if she's confused when I know she knows everything.

"This would of never happened if you didn't come over to my apartment." I answer back. She gives me a very stern look then squints her eyes almost like a death stare. "I don't know where you live." She answered. "Oh you're right, you know where I used to live before I moved."

"What's going on?" Ashton butts in, both mine and Melody's gazes landed on him. "She made me fake a death." I blurted out while pointing over towards Melody's way. "If she really did, you wouldn't of done it." He snaps.

What the fuck?

"Um? Well maybe I wouldn't of faked it if she didn't threaten to take my life!" I shout, tears brimming at my bottom eyelids. "Aurora, don't cause a scene" Michael says. "I've been lonely! All because of her!" I point again towards Melody. "I've had to change my look! I've hand to do so much just so people wouldn't recognise me. I've had to sit around and listen to the radio or watch the news just speaking about me and how they haven't yet found my body near that bridge" I take in a shaky breath. "None of you realise what I went through, I almost went insane. And if it wasn't for me, Luke would probably still be laying on the floor in his own bedroom, possibly dead!" I shout once again.

I couldn't hold it in anymore, they can't just keep throwing me around like a rag doll. I'm no toy.

Then I thought once again about Luke.

What if he really is dead?

My vision then was all blurry, I could barely seen anything all because of my tears.

This boy did mean the absolute world to me.
I didn't speak to anyone for the rest of the night, even though they did try speak to me but they wouldn't believe me because you know, Melody is just so perfect that they have to believe her.

Melody ended up leaving for god knows what reason, why would I care anyway? I don't.

"Are you here for Luke Hemmings?" A nurse asks. "Yes" Calum answers, his breath shaky. "He made it through, you are all very lucky, one more pill and it would of been all over for that boy, thank you for bringing him in early before it got too late."

This huge and heavy weight suddenly lifted off my shoulders while I listened to each and every one of her words that rolled off of her tongue. It was such a relief to know that he had made it.

"You can all go see him, but two at a time please. Give each about 5-10 minutes each." She says while writing something down on her clipboard that she was holding.

"Thank you" I manage to let out. She then smiled briefly and walked back down a hallway.
Once all the boys have taken a turn to go in and see Luke, I decided to go last. I took one deep breath and walked out of the waiting room and made my way to his room '07' was on the door.

That's my favourite number.

I knocked on the door softly and waiting for a response. "Come in" I heard a deep quiet voice say.

I slowly turned the handle about 90 degrees and started to walk in. Once I looked up I seen a very startled face staring right at me.

"I thought I seen you!" He blurts out. My eyes started to water just seeing him, I then looked closely to see his eyes watering too "I seen your tweet" I said back.

"I really thought you were dead, Aurora, I don't think you know how much you broke me." I can almost hear his emotion in his voice. "It wasn't me, can we just not talk about this and just focus on the fact that you're alive?" I ask.

"I love you a lot, Aurora." He says while turning his head the other way so he wasn't facing me anymore. His words hit me really hard and I started to ball my eyes out. I couldn't handle it anymore, I loved him so much and I never want to loose him.

"Why did you do that to yourself?" I ask trying to hold back anymore tears from falling out. "Because you were gone, or so I heard. And I just no longer wanted to be around if I knew you weren't alive. I wanted to be with you."

"Luke" I say "Aurora" he mocks. I then leaned in and attached our lips. It was perfect yet again. I missed this, I know it was just one kiss but I did really miss that kiss. I still wish there was many more to come.

"I'm so glad that you're still here" I blurt out while catching a breath "and I'm glad that you're back."
Soon enough he was fast asleep, I lived just watching him sleep peacefully, knowing that he's still here is honestly great. He is needed in this world. I need him in this world.

Ashton then walked in to see me sitting on one of the couches close to Luke's bed. "Come here" he said while holding his arms out. I walked up to him and wrapped my arms around his body. "Never leave again, okay?" He whispers. "Never" I answer while digging my head into his chest.

Never ever again.

I knew that Melody threaten me again and that would be then when I'd have to go to the police. Well at least before she 'kills' me like what she says she's going to.

I then looked up to see worry in Ashton's eyes, I turned to see where his gaze was and it was on a machine that was hooked up to Luke.

Instead of the machine beeping indicating that Luke was alive. It was one noise and one straight line.

That's when doctors soon came running in.

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