Chapter seventeen

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Memories flooded through my brain like there was no tomorrow, all this stupid yet amazing memories, some I wish never happened, some I wish that could be relived once again.

I lied on the beautifully cut light green grass under my favourite oak tree while watching as the leaves from the trees swayed. I'm only twelve years old and this was honestly my most favourite place in the park, no one really seemed to come here but I absolutely loved it, definitely a good place to try and get your mind off of things.

I have flying start tomorrow and I'm quite scared, I only have two of my friends coming to the same school as me which in all honestly sucks, Kaileigh and Zoe had been my best friends since kinder, but I'm always left out when we do partner things. Maybe this new school will give me a fresh start with friends.

"Hello" a bright and happy face appears in my view, making me jump. I place my hands on the grass beside me and lifted myself up "hi" I say as kind as I can. "What are you doing here?" The boy asks "I always come here" I mention as he quirks an eyebrow up. "Well I'm Luke" he says as he holds out a hand for me to shake, I gladly place my own hand in his and shake lightly with a wide grin planted on my face. "I'm Aurora" i inform him as he smiles.
*End of flashback*

Just thinking of the time myself and Luke first met makes me smile, he was such a cute and innocent boy, I remember his old Nokia flip phone that he used to have and we would always take photos together, even if they week pointless, but that was the best part. I just miss all that had happened, it's all gone too fast and I feel as if it's slowly falling apart, even though things are finally getting better for the two of us.

I really love the boy.

Luke and I hung out at the park until the sky got dark and the street lights flickered, I always had to be home by that time. Flying start was pretty eventful, once i arrived with my two best friends I saw Luke in the distance with who I was guessing his friends? They all looked pretty cool, I watched as his mouth moved while he spoke, how he would slightly bite on his lower lip.

We all got designated classes to go to and luckily I was not split up with Kaileigh and Zoe, if I was, I wouldn't know what to do. As I took my first steps into my new classroom i lifted my head only to make eye contact with the boy from yesterday, he gave me a look of confusion then soon changed into a smile. I smiled back and took a seat next to my friends at the back table.
*End of flashback*

I was disturbed by a knocking at the door, i groaned as I pushed myself up from the couch and walked towards the sound. As I opened it, my eyes made contact with the boy from my memories. A huge grin was soon placed on my face as i leaped into his arms, I have no clue why I was so happy to see him but I was, I missed this boy.

"Is everything okay?" He asks as I pull away, "yeah I'm fine" I smile as I grab his large hand and lead him back towards the couch. "Luke, I'm really sorry about the other night, I was just upset that you were smoking and getting all drunk and stuff, Jacob was only being nice to me so I let him stay the night." I mumble as I let go of his hands.

He shakes his head lightly "it's okay" he makes out before grabbing my hands again "I came to do something else rather than discuss this.." He mentions as he looks away from me, which only makes me slightly worried. I nod and wait for an answer. "I want you to be my girlfriend, Aurora, but I don't know if that's what you want."

I quickly cup his check and bring my lips close to his before attaching them and deepening the kiss. As I slowly pull away he mumbles quietly "I take that as a yes?" I nod fast, "just promise me something" I respond, seeing a worrying look form upon his beautiful face, I giggle as i shake my head lightly before finishing. "Even if this doesn't work out, never forget everything that has happened, please?" I look up from fumbling with my fingers to make eyes contact with him.

"Hey, do you remember my fourteenth birthday party?" I asked Luke while we were watching Peter Pan. He peeled his eyes away from the television screen to face me "yes i do" he smirks. "At my uncle's farm? And we all camped?" I explained before he nodded. He didn't really say anything else, I think he was too love struck for Wendy.

I decided to leave the room and try Skype call both Kayleigh and Zoe to see how things are going. I got out my laptop and logged into Skype before looking for Kayleigh's contact only to see that she's online. It called a few times before she answered.

"Aurora!" She yells "Kayleigh! Look I'm sorry for everything that's been going on and for being so distant, even though there is a fair distance between us but you know what i mea-" she cut me off "hey! It's fine, I understand trust me" she smiles widely into the camera. "Guess what?" I say as I remember a couple of things, "yeah, what?" She asks, I take in a deep breath to why I don't know.

"I'm dating Luke!" I almost yell, the smile that was planted on her face dropped to a frown before it got made back into a small smile "congrats" is all she says. I swear confusion could of been written in small words to cover up my whole body and that would answer everything about me in all honesty. "Kayleigh, what's going on?" I ask with my eyebrow furrowed. "N-nothing" she stutters.

I had learnt a fair amount of years ago that whenever Kayleigh stutters it usually means that something is bothering her. "Kayleigh tell me!" I demand. She sighs loudly, which is another thing she does.

"Z-zoe" she stutters. "What? Kayleigh just say it" I say now pissed.

"Zoe is in love with him."

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