Chapter 11 - Don't be a Fool

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"Since the Dark Days, our great nation has known only peace.

Ours is an elegant system, we seek to knowledge and protect.


Your districts are the body, the Capitol is the beating heart.


Your hard work feeds us, and in return we feed and protect you.


But if you resist the system you'll starve yourself. If you fight against it, it is you who will bleed.

I know you will stand with me, with us, with all of us.

Panem today. Panem tomorrow. Panem forever."

A sharp intake of breath awakens me from a disturbed slumber, President Snow's voice continues to echo in my ears even as I wake.

It seems that I have developed an extreme case of aching limbs and muscle cramps, this may be caused from the major sleep deprivation and daily occurrences of merciless beating. Clearly visible bruises have formed on every inch of my skin. That and my aching muscles make every movement the hardest thing to do. I've noticed, when I'm not being slammed into a brick wall or kicked brutally, that I can no longer sit still. My hands shake tremendously and uncontrollably.

It is impossible to ignore my physical, mental, and surrounding problems at the same time, they are are horrible, I have to pick one and hope that they all don't come together. Every time I give myself the time to think, my thoughts immediately rush to the topic of Katniss, at this point I don't even have control over my own mind, or the strength to try. If I am being forced to think about specific things, they must be fake, so I refuse to believe it.

Sometimes I forget what it is I'm trying to forget-the thoughts that I'm trying to avoid, and I end up just diving into normal thinking. It's all so confusing and hard to ignore.

But I can't help but wonder Katniss' true intentions, maybe the reason she hasn't helped me is because they have her trapped there, using her as their mouthpiece, controlling her like a puppet, like the Capitol is doing to me.

"That's it." I say aloud, ignoring the waves of doubt trying to overpower my sudden belief.

It must make sense, in some way I can't think through. Then again I can't think through anything. To convince myself, I think of the moment I'd thought she truly loved me, on the beach in the Quarter Quell. Instead of the warmth and affection I had once felt then, I feel only fear hovering inside, tingling on the surface of my skin, making my hands shake even more. There is something I feel deep down that catches my attention more clearly than anything I've ever felt in a while, a certain longing to see her again, then a questioning of why I would want to do that so badly.

"No." I say sharply. This can't be right, but that was back when I was normal, when I could think clearly, it has to be right.

More doubt.

Maybe she is just as helpless as I am. Yeah, that's it. Either that or they are tricking her, she could be just as clueless as well. She will do whatever they say if she thinks it is the right thing to do. They could lead her to foolishness, she could lead everyone into destruction, the Capitol will be furious. I was right before, she needs to hold back, then maybe all of this can stop. All of this will stop if she just quits. Maybe she doesn't know anything about the rebels. Suddenly I think of what Snow said to me not to long ago,

"They could be planning something for Panem that is far worse than anything you think I've done."

What would President Snow really do if the rebellion got out of control, if his power was at risk? What would he do to Katniss? To Panem?

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