Chapter 20 - Hijacked

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Everything is strangely calm when I open my eyes. I immediately notice someone on the other side the room, rummaging through whatever is on the table in front of them. I can tell it's a female, her pale blonde hair falls down to her shoulders. She turns around and as soon as I open my mouth to speak, she interrupts,

"I'm sorry to say that we had to give you temporary drugs and living arrangements due to your current condition. I promise you that we will not use them again without you knowing unless completely necessary. I cannot assure to give all of the information you seek but you are free to ask anything for now."

Even with all of the confusion, I ask a question I know the answer to right as I ask it,

"Where am I?"

"You are in the District 13."

"Where aren't I home? Where is my family?"

"You live here now."

I glare at her, unsatisfied with the answer. She could be lying, how can I trust her? She stares back, unaffected.

"Do you have any more questions?" She asks after a long pause, "If not, then I must be going."

For some reason, I couldn't bring myself to ask anything else, I felt like she would wave off any other questions I have, and I would get more and more angry with every unsatisfying answer. The anger is exhausting.

In the passing hours of the day, more people came in to check on me, they ran a few tests, and gave me any medication I needed that would help every wound to heal. I could feel the calming drugs wear off throughout the hours, I'm starting to get more anxious again, and the overwhelming feeling from all the confusion was starting to come back.

The doctors and nurses were nice, they didn't do anything without asking me, they made it clear that they would only be forceful with any medication whenever it was absolutely necessary. This made me feel a lot better about this place and these people, but I still wasn't getting any answers, and they still have the aggravating straps holding me down, I still don't fully trust them. When I asked for them to take them off, they told me that they're "just a precaution" and I tried to ignore any thoughts I had on what they could mean by that.

I would sneak a question to every different doctor or nurse who would come in. Every one of them gave me the same answer, saying that I "live here now" and that they have "limited information". When I'm alone, I attempt to rack up my forgotten memories and try to to remember them. It is a strange thing, I can very briefly remember them, but they're so muffled and hidden that they just fade away. It's like there's a barrier in my brain between my mind set and my memories, so I know they're there, but I can't reach them. They are coming back, but very slowly. Most of the time they unknowingly come back when I see something that triggers a flashback, like being locked up in this room reminds me of being stuck in a cell back in the Capitol.

My thoughts and emotions are almost too functional. Sometimes it seems like they control themselves and me. I try to strengthen this control, but it's harder than it seems. It's like the emotions act where the memories are supposed to act, and my thoughts just dwell upon that. It's all so hard and confusing, but I think I've gotten better.

Earlier someone mentioned to me that I'll be getting a visitor, I had no idea who this visitor could possibly be. I came up with the conclusion that it's most likely someone from my family. Maybe it's my brother Wren, or my other brother Ellis. Maybe it's my father, he's the one who would visit me more likely than the others. I know for sure my mother wouldn't, or would she? She would probably lie to the nurses and say I wasn't her son, I would be too much of an embarrassment for her.

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