Chapter 1 - Left

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(Hey! This story is based off of Suzanne ColIins' amazing books, she created this world and these characters. If you haven't read Mockingjay I wouldn't read this story because it is full of spoilers. Just putting it out there that I am following the book more than the movies, they're both pretty much the same there's just a slight difference so yeah, Please vote and/or leave a nice comment if you enjoy. If you like my content, go follow me on Instagram where I post daily about THG, the username is @/foxfaceinventor Thanks! I hope you like it.)



I thought I was dead.

I was prepared to die.

I had the plan stuck in my mind the whole time. Stick with the allies, kill off the Careers, kill the rest of them, and then I was supposed to die.

The whole plan was ruined when the wire was cut.

That's when I started regretting my decision to be separated from Katniss. It was too chaotic. At first we were confused, the wire was still, then the panic kicked in and I realized that the alliance was not to be trusted any longer. I was so determined, I had to find her. I ditched the them, even with the risks, I called out to her, and she eventually called back. This gave me hope, I knew she was alive, but things only got worse. I had hope, but I was too late. The giant powerful dome that had trapped us in for days blew up right before my eyes.

Even when the trees burst into flames and the sky cracked in half, I was still thinking about her. I was still determined to keep going, I wanted so badly to get up and go, but I couldn't move forward even an inch. I thought of those peaceful and powerful moments in what I thought was my last moments in the world. I thought especially about the moment on the beach. The moment where I realized that Katniss Everdeen had actually cared about me, that not all of her feelings were fake, that shimmering look in her eyes did not lie. I felt it deep inside, and I knew she felt it too. There was a feeling inside her that cared about me in some way I could never figure out.

I could barely think, the shock was so sudden. And at the last moment, when I had blacked out, I knew I was dead.

But I wasn't.

After that night, I never thought about in the same way again.


When I first woke up, I could feel a dozen pinching sensations from medical tubes all over my body. I was numb all over, I couldn't move. My consciousness is drained and faded, and when I force my eyes open, my vision blurs. I try so hard to look at something, something that gave me a clue to where I was, something to tell me what was going on.

Blurred images of white figures rush around me in slow motion. My mind is weak, it's like an unbreakable force is pulling my consciousness back. It's too strong; my vision gives in to the darkness. At that time, like my strength, my brain wouldn't function at all. I couldn't form a single coherent thought.

When I wake up a second time, my mind is still slow and my muscles are weak, but at least I can move. When I sit up, I notice that I'm no longer in the clingy wet suit but instead white pants and a short-sleeved shirt made of smooth and silky fabric. It's so blank and dull, even for the Capitol.

After gazing around at the white closet-sized room with pure puzzlement, the realization hits me. Hundreds of questions jumble into my mind. Where am I? What happened? Why am I not dead? Where's Katniss?


Panic bursts through me. Was there even a victor for the Quarter Quell? Wait; am I the victor of the Quarter Quell? How is that even possible? There were what, maybe five or six tributes left? Am I in the Capitol? Where's Katniss? Is she alive? What would I do if she were dead? What would I do if I were victor again? What would they do if I were a victor again? I'm supposed to be dead.

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