Chapter 2 - Dying Wish

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I've been here for at least two days.

That's the amount of time I've estimated and assumed with no clock in here or anyone to tell me. They've kept me in a small hospital room. Luckily they didn't keep me tied to the bed, but I'm still locked in. When I fall asleep, they bring in a small tray of food. The food isn't very high quality, for the Capitol. It's weird though, they only bring me food when I fall asleep, like they are avoiding any human contact with me the best they can. Probably because they know I would ask a bunch of questions again.
The thing is, I never know when it was night or day, and with everything that's happened, my mind won't rest at all. So I barely get any sleep.

It was so incredibly boring, being in that small white room for two whole days. The only thing I had was my thoughts.
When the peacekeeper told me that everyone betrayed me, I immediately doubted it. But when I sat in a locked, empty room alone for hours. I had realized that maybe she was right. Here I was in the Capitol, a prisoner in a hospital room, while they were miles away, safe in District 13.


How do I know if they are safe? What if District 13 isn't safe? What if they had been forced to flee? But it dosen't make any sense if they were forced. They made a plan, Haymitch lied, and I wasn't a priority. Also, why wouldn't District 13 be safe? They are rebelling against the Capitol, the Capitol that created the Hunger Games. Who's even leading the rebellion? Plutarch Heavensbee?

The one thing that is bothering me the most is if Katniss knew the plan from the start. Wouldn't she tell me if she did? But she didn't. She couldn't have been forced to do what she did. She shot the arrow herself. Was she lying to me too?

Shouldn't I be happy that she's alive and possibly safe? That's what I wanted after all, for her to come out of the arena alive. I had personally asked Haymitch to keep her alive. She survived, but like this? In the end of it all I was supposed to die.

I have to keep reminding myself that I don't know anything. Maybe all of them lied to me, or some of them, or none of them.

There's no way I can find out. All I know is that they left me, and they haven't attempted to rescue me, but how would I know? The Capitol wouldn't tell me, what if the Capitol is lying to me about all of this? I never trusted the Capitol. How could I?

Then there's the video they showed me of the last night in the arena. Katniss really did shoot an arrow at the force field. How would she know to do that without knowing the plan? I don't know what to think, but that's all I've been doing. That's all I can do in an empty room in a hospital bed.

After the two days, the peacekeeper that showed me the video comes back. Her and another peacekeeper walked into my room, telling me that the president wanted to see me. While being escorted to the president's mansion, traveling by hovercraft, I overheard the peacekeeper's name. Her name is Tamora. A strange name for a strange woman.

Tamora and the other peacekeeper take me to a room, opening the door for me and waiting until I step inside. As soon as I'm in the room I can see the venomous eyes of President Snow watching my every move, like always.

"Mr. Mellark, take a seat." He says calmly.

I sit down in a large wooden chair with lots of artistic detail. There are tons of small roses carved into the fine wood.

Roses, President Snow must really love roses. He always has one clipped to his outfit, and that scent always hangs in the air when he's around. I've heard that the scent is used to cover the bloody stench in his breath.

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