Chapter 15 - A Boost

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None of the peacekeepers had shown any gentleness when dragging me to their next destination. The only thing I can focus on is the aching pain that is the result of all the recent hits I'd gotten from peacekeeper fists and their fancy bats. The metallic taste of blood remains in my mouth, and more of it drips down the side of my face from a head injury. I can only stare at the blurry floor, waiting for my consciousness to give out, but it doesn't, I can still see my feet being dragged across the floor and a feel a distant feeling of regret.

President Snow wasn't happy, so this means the peacekeepers aren't happy. There will be some sort of punishment for what I've done, but the only thing I can think and care about is what really happened to District 12. That's the only thing that pushes me to lift my head up, and when I do, the peacekeepers have stopped, the one in the front of the group is talking angrily to a woman with long green hair and is wearing what looks like is a long purple flowery designed lab coat. She stands out in the blinding white room.

"You said it would work by now!" The peacekeeper shouts.

"Let me remind you that this hasn't been done before successfully, we had to work with it slowly. It really should be working by now..." The lady calmly replies.

"Then explain what the hell that was!" He demands.

The lady glances towards me, giving me an observant look,

"Somehow he's resisting it, we must give it more time-"

"We have no more time! Snow predicted that they're going to come after the attack is finished! Do whatever it takes to make sure it works in time."

"I must say, I'm amazed. How could he have resisted it for so long?" The lady wonders aloud.

"It doesn't matter, you don't have very much time, the president said to have it done by tomorrow."

"Tomorrow? A boost big enough to be surely successful has a possible fatal result. The side effects are... highly unsafe and given the amount we've already-"

"I don't care! This is an order specifically given by Snow and if the boy dies then oh well! Just do it." The peacekeeper looks back at the two who are firmly gripping my arms and shoots a hand in the air, pointing towards a direction for them to proceed.

As they move forward, I push myself forward even while they hold me back, struggling to stay put,

"Please... tell me... what happened to District 12?" I ask shakily.

I can't see an expression through his helmet, but he doesn't hesitate to reply,

"It's as good as you saw it."

Then I'm dragged away again. They strap me tightly onto a lab table, chaining small and hard metal around my wrists and ankles. Strange looking people in white lab coats immediately start to connect any wires or chords onto me, aggravating every part the bruises on my tender skin. The woman with the purple flowery lab coat looks down at me with a blank stare, jotting down notes into a notebook. I look at her directly in the eyes, my breath surprisingly hard to find,

"Whatever you're trying to do, there's no point, you should just kill me instead."

She looks up at me with a slight smirk,

"Now now, you obviously don't know what the point even is." She says coolly as they adjust the table. The only thing I can see besides the bright white ceiling is her dark green head looking around possibly at her team.

"Let's start the operation!" She calls out.

I struggle against the chains, my heart slams against my chest, fear is alive, pulsing through me.

"So Peeta, I see that you noticed your district being... extinguished. It's true, District 12 is gone, there is nothing left, but why? It's a simple answer, it was a girl, by the name of Katniss Everdeen."

"Don't lie to me!" I yell out angrily, still holding on to my old beliefs.

Whatever she says back is a mystery, a series of hot, tingling, and painful sensations burst to live in my arms, legs, and torso. The woman leans forward and screeches in my ear as I writhe and cry out in agony,

"Quit being the gullible lover boy for once in your life and accept the truth."

The shocks stop, and I'm left panting heavily. The lady continues,

"Let me let you in on a little secret, she's just some rabid mutt that is meant to kill. They think she's on their side? She'll gain their trust and gather their hope then kill from the inside like a disease, it'll be just some lesson from President Snow to teach them how to restrain. District 12 is just the beginning."


The shocks come back once again, the zapping sensation is so painful it's as if my limbs are on fire from the inside.

"You're just some unfortunate boy who was...tangled up in the trickery of a killer mutt, you even helped it, saved it, fell in love with it. Pitiful... what a scam."

I breathe out a simple question, trying to ignore the familiar piercing pain that stabs my temples as everlasting terror rises rapidly,

"My family... are they-"

"Alive? There's no way to know. The only thing I know is that what is left of your bakery is only rubble and a melted slab of metal that must've been an oven once."

Pure terror shoots up an down in my veins. My pulse quickens, and I'm shaking terribly with fear. Horrific images of screaming citizens, miners, families... running for their lives while burning to death or blowing up in a single explosion. My skin is clammy with sweat, and unusual tears form in my eyes. My mother, my father, my brothers... did they survive?

"You know, every mutation has a purpose, most of the time their purpose is only to kill. We have all kinds, bugs, birds, reptiles, dogs... don't underestimate our power to create. They could be anything."

I can't control... anything. Strange emotions are switching on and off like there's a switch somewhere that is being controlled by someone else. Every fiber of a feeling is corrupted by fear... My family is probably dead... she probably slaughtered them... she's a savage... a monster... she's going to kill every living thing... maybe she's even targeting me next...

No... what am I thinking?

Panic joins the in mix of emotions, I cringe and writhe around on the table, only to be secured on the spot by the chains. So much pain, discomfort, and confusion. There's an easier way out isn't there? I'm fighting my emotions, what if I just succumbed to them? Wouldn't it be easier to give in? They are my own thoughts, not anyone else's.

No, they're fake, this isn't real, I can't...

Maybe the pain would stop, maybe I'd be in control again, is this the truth being fought? Nobody can do that forever. I black out repeatedly, only to be unknowingly zapped back awake by the shocks of pain again and again until I was officially unconscious... and it was somehow over.

There was a point in time where I woke up again. Everything was empty. Everything was blank. For a brief moment I thought I was happy because everything was so easy. But then it became clear that I couldn't remember anything. Then in a second, the damage to my body became relevant. The blackness won't go away, I can distantly hear voices, but it's too muffled, I can't hear them, I don't understand, what are they talking about?

I decide not to care, something tells me it's more complicated than what I really need, my instincts tell me not to care, that it's not important.

I can only listen because I remember something faintly, that the only person you can really trust is yourself.

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