Author's Note

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Hey people I decided to add this quick note at the end of this story to say first of all, thanks, if you read the whole thing and enjoyed it and voted and commented and all that thanks a lot I love you.

I'm still going through it a few times to make it better because some of those chapters aren't as good in my opinion lol. I'm working on a somewhat sequel, like its a sequel but it's not because I think someone could read it without reading this one (if you read Mockingjay obviously) but it's called Broken (very original name right) and it's basically after this story and during the other half of Mockingjay but in Peetas perspective (obviously) so go check that out if you want I already have a few parts up. If you want more of me my Instagram is @foxfaceinvenor I am very active there.

Thanks again, see you in the next one, bai <3

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