Chapter 3 - Cease-fire

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(Hey guys! Over half this chapter is basically in Mockingjay. I literally wrote the dialogue right out of the book. XD)


There are so many things that say Katniss didn't know what she was doing, that she was just confused. The doubts just stand out. She had taken her time before fastening the wire on her arrow, instead of doing it right away, but she still did it, the act of doing it still entered her mind.

The next morning, before they finally took me out of the dull hospital room, they handed me the new script for the interview. I had noticed that President Snow twisted around what I had added, not only do I insist that Katniss had nothing to do with the rebellion, but I have to "deny the existence of a rebellion."

The script is full of orders; it says that the whole thing must be memorized for my television appearance, and that I should not deviate from the script whatsoever. It's not too hard to remember, they're letting me use my own words. I try to memorize it the best I can while the prep team paints makeup on my face.

It feels weird to be prepped again; the last time I'd been prepped was before the Games. Back then I had thought that was going to be my last interview ever. Or at least that's what I had been planning on.

I was disappointed when I saw that I had a different prep team. I had really liked my prep team and stylist for the Games. In fact, Portia and my prep team are nowhere to be seen. Nobody has told me anything about them or their whereabouts. I wonder what happened to them, did they flee the Capitol too?

They traded the white silk hospital uniform for a soft white tuxedo. Every part of the outfit is white, not even a little bit of color. It's similar to the outfit I wore during my interview for the Quarter Quell, the one that Portia and Cinna designed. That one was specifically designed to match Katniss' wedding dress, matching outfits for a bride and groom.

Thinking about Katniss in the wedding dress and Katniss in general gives me heartache. The wedding dress Cinna designed for her had been beautiful, just like her.
To be honest, I don't know if I will ever see her again. I don't know what plans President Snow has for me or what trouble Katniss might get herself into while I'm here.

I start wondering again if Katniss is innocent. During the victory tour, Katniss had done whatever it took to keep a war out of the picture, like marrying me. Everything she had done was to stop the rebellion, but then she shot that arrow. That's what I don't understand, but I just have to trust Katniss. She never wanted a war, I've heard her say it herself.

The tux for the tribute interviews was way more comfortable than the one they gave me for today. The fabric was soft, but the collar was too tight, with a plastic arrow shaped thing pointed at my throat. I keep tugging it down, but it still pierces my throat a bit. When I told the stylist, she just flipped her bright orange hair to the side, waving a hand at me,

"Maybe it'll keep your chin up." She muttered, blatantly staring at the wall, batting her eyes a little under the large green sunglasses she'd been wearing.

The prep team didn't have to put very much makeup on me; most of the burns and scratches had healed due to the Capitol's medication. They just made me look "better" than I already look. They did the basic skin polishing and covering any visible flaw they can find. I certainly don't look like someone who just came out of the Hunger Games a couple days ago. It amazes me, the Capitol and their makeup. They have better makeup than they do a government.

They escort me to the room the interview will take place in, just a nice room in the president's mansion. I took a few deep breaths, there's nothing to worry about. Except there's everything to worry about.
It's just an interview with Ceasar, I don't have trouble talking with Ceasar. There is the fact that after this interview, all of the rebels will hate me and call me a traitor. Perhaps I should've told President Snow to kill me instead.

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