Chapter 12 - Mockingjay

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"Fire is catching! And if we burn, you burn with us!"

She's staring at me with a certain fire raging ablaze in her eyes, had she considered any of the warnings I'd given?

But the hospital, the victims, that was definitely a death order given by Snow.

I stare at the floor with intense concentration, thinking hard about where to sort the blame of death, possible betrayal and what to believe in, while my interrogator Tamora circles around me, rambling on and on about the monster she'd just shown me in the rebel propaganda. I ignore her, I'd already decided that everything the Capitol says is a lie, something I should've known from the start but somehow believed it their faulty information, maybe because I was so desperate for answers. She knows I'm ignoring her, because she suddenly throws a hard glare at me and starts yelling right in my face in a scolding manner.

"You think I'm just telling you things you already know? Well I'm not, I'm trying to warn you, and I'm trying to make you understand!"

"Warn me? About what?" I ask. Tamora pauses, and takes a step back from me.

"Do you know what a Mockingjay is?" She asks calmly, the subject suddenly shifting into something else.

"...yes" I reply hastily.

"It's a mistake, it was never supposed to exist, it's a mutation. That's what they call her, The Mockingjay. Because that is what she is, a mutation, a mistake. Do you understand what I'm getting at? "

When I don't respond, she continues,

"They think she's some new hope, that she will lead them to peace and harmony. It's all a lie. "

"She's not a mutt."

"She's a very skilled killer is she not? Her feelings are always... questionable. She always knows how to play the game, then her acting skills also came to use. There's never been a volunteer from District 12 before has there? She's a weapon gone wrong, she's going to kill every single citizen that resides in Panem. Obviously all those dramatic scenes in the Hunger Games were all for show, a simple act, anyone could see it, surely you didn't think it was actually real did you?" She snickers.

It feels as if someone just yanked on my heartstrings, anger rises but I try to shove it back down. The raging beast inside of me shall stay caged up, although I can't help some of the anger that escapes me.

"Stop it. You're the real liar, you expect me to believe this?" I say, agitated.

"Just think about it, you were just a little prop that made things easier for her to play through the little act. Now that she's done with you, she doesn't care what happens to you. How long have you been here? Four weeks? She hasn't organized a rescue operation for you has she?"

"I wouldn't know."

"Well look at her in the propaganda, burning with rebellious fire, with not a care in the world about the whereabouts of Peeta Mellark. She didn't seem shaken up at all did she?"

"Stop it."

"She's going to lead this country into ashes if she wins this war. She's deadly, Peeta."

"No. She's not."

"What did she do after the Games? Did she act the same way?"

I suddenly think back at the few quiet months we had before the Quarter Quell, she ignored me, refused to even talk to me, up until the Victory Tour.

"I heard she was caught kissing that handsome boy from the mines. There's the proof right there." Tamora adds with a snort.

"Shut up." I mutter, trying to ignore the sharp, pinching pain from the tiny needles stuck into my temples.

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