Seven of Crows

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~Kaz pov~

Bo Yul-Bayur is a Shu scientist with a recipe that can change the course of the world. If someone, preferably me, brings him back to the Merchant Council, trade will never be the same. Though, that really isn't what I care about. If I bring him back to Ketterdam, I get 30 million Kruge. Well, I will have to split the earnings with my crew, but I will still have plenty to not have a care in the world.

Y/N provided me with a note that she stole from Pekka's office yesterday. It is written in merchant scrawl and has the crest of the Van Eck residence on the bottom. Which means that Jan Van Eck presented the job to Pekka. So now I am on the way to make some...adjustments to his plan.

As I walk through Ketterdam, I think about last night. Y/N is a tidemaker. That will be very useful to the job. I am very glad that Pekka did not manage to get his hands on her before I did. Grisha always appear when you least expect them to.

I pass through the Exchange and take a look around what the people are selling today. Nothing much in the way of weaponry. Later today, I need to get new weapons for the new members of my crew. Might have to stop by Little Ravka in order to get some. Right now, the sun has just barely peeked over the harbor. I've got time; everyone else in the Slat is sleeping right now.

A few more minutes of walking later, I pass by the Church of Ghezen and turn onto Geldstraat. The Van Eck Mansion is close. I straighten my tie and hold my head up high. If you're going to negotiate with a businessman, might as well look like one.

As expected, Van Eck's front door is locked and secured by two guards. If Van Eck went to Pekka for this job, chances are they are on good terms with each other. Which means that these guards are on Pekka's side currently. He probably paid them to make sure no one else can speak with Van Eck about the job. I walk up to them and they immediately bar the door.

"Van Eck isn't taking visitors currently, go back to where you came from," says one guard.

"I need to talk with him about the Ice Court Heist," I state, knowing that the guards will know exactly what I am talking about.

The second guards shifts from one foot to the other, "you aren't part of Pekka's crew."

"And you're not in Pekka's pocket anymore if you don't owe him," I respond while tossing him a small bag of Kruge. He looks to his friend, who shrugs and opens the door to let me in. Greed is what makes the world go around. Every time.

The Van Eck residence is exactly how I remember it. Spacious, lavish, rich. Once, before Y/N joined my Crows, I snuck in here with Inej and stole an expensive piece of decor that Van Eck kept in the middle of the common room. It was like stealing candy from a baby. And we never got caught.

I go up the stairs and down the hallway, to Van Eck's office. The door is open, so I stride in, knocking my cane on the ground louder than usual to announce my presence. Van Eck jumps at my unexpected arrival, then smiles.

"Brekker, is it?" He starts.

"Let me on the Ice Court job. If I bring back Bo Yul-Bayur before Rollins does, I get the 30 million Kruge," I state. It is more of a demand than a question. Van Eck lets out a little laugh.

"Straight to the point, I see. Well, Mr. Brekker, I was actually hoping you would stop by."


"See, I know you stole my centerpiece from the common room a year ago. I didn't know it at the time, but over the course of a year, I've heard stories of a boy who can escape from any trap. The Bastard of the Barrel. The deadliest theif in Ketterdam. Dirtyhands, if you will. And I thought, well, what is so special about a theif? We have so many in this city. But alas, here you are. A cripple. How does a boy who needs a cane to walk break into a highly guarded residence and escape without anyone hearing him? I will admit, I still don't know."

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